Live Blog From ReThink Conference – 23 Leadership Quotes From Josh Gagnon

For the next three days, I will be live blogging from the ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  ReThink, open exclusively to senior pastors, campus pastors and executive pastors, is a unique gathering of church leaders who are committed to solving the biggest challenges facing your church and the Church.

Injoy Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend this amazing event as a way to invest in your growth.  They also want to invest in your leadership by offering you our latest FREE ebook Breaking The Next Growth Barrier: 10 Things Pastors Can Do To Break Down Growth Barriers by clicking HERE for your complimentary copy.

Today’s next speaker was Joshua Gagnon.  Joshua is the founding and lead pastor of Next Level Church, one church with multiple locations throughout New England and the surrounding region. His session was about momentum.  The following are 23 leadership quotes I captured during his session:

  1. We have 5,470 people on Easter (in NH).
  2. Only 3% claim they are Christian. It is the most unchurched location in our country.
  3. We started with $200 and 12 people.
  4. Focus on the need and communicate the “Why” behind the need to generate momentum.
  5. It’s hard to generate momentum when you’re the only one on the team.
  6. A success story is usually 15 years old.
  7. Stay consistent.
  8. The conversation needs to change from What does a lifetime of faithfulness look like vs. what does a lifetime of fruitfulness look like.
  9. You will always go through seasons of higher momentum and lower momentum.
  10. The worst thing you can do is define your ministry by the lowest points of momentum.
  11. When we stay true to who we are we gain momentum.
  12. We circle dates on the calendar which are momentum builders.
  13. It’s not our job to look at culture and try to change it. It’s our job to live in it.
  14. As a leader you have to have seasons where you’re not running 100 miles per hour. If you do this, your people will not have it in the bank when they need to run 100 miles per hour.
  15. Never launch locations out of a position of weakness but of momentum and strength.
  16. You have to a culture of change, a culture of openness.
  17. You’re teachable and willing to change that helps us keep momentum.
  18. We used to hire out of need.
  19. Instead of asking “when” and “where”, ask “who?”
  20. We understand where we live.
  21. 100-200 takes shepherding. To go beyond that takes the gift of leadership.
  22. Transition can always be messy. Transition must be done wisely but no seat on the bus is sacred.
  23. We’re not delegating tasks. We’re empowering people.

I can’t wait for the next speaker.


As previously mentioned, INJOY Stewardship Solutions would like to offer you the FREE resource Breaking The Next Growth Barrier: 10 Things Pastors Can Do To Break Down Growth Barriers.  Click HERE or on the image to the left for your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.