Live Blog From ReThink Conference – 23 Leadership Quotes From Jeff Henderson

Today is the second day I will be live blogging from the ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  ReThink, open exclusively to senior pastors, campus pastors and executive pastors, is a unique gathering of church leaders who are committed to solving the biggest challenges facing your church and the Church.

Injoy Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend this amazing event as a way to invest in your growth.  They also want to invest in your leadership by offering you our latest FREE ebook Breaking The Next Growth Barrier: 10 Things Pastors Can Do To Break Down Growth Barriers by clicking HERE for your complimentary copy.

Today’s next speaker was Jeff Henderson.  Jeff is the campus pastor of Gwinnett Church, a campus of North Point Ministries.  The following are 23 leadership quotes I captured during this sobering session along with some opening quotes from Brad Lomenick:

Brad Lomenick

  1. On the outside, we can fake it.
  2. Many times what is seen publicly is not what is happening privately.
  3. We were a celebrating culture at Catalyst.
  4. As I was leading the movement I was not healthy.
  5. “Brad, you might be all that. But you’re team knows what’s going on.”

Jeff Henderson

  1. Climate dictates the forecast.
  2. If you show me a climate in a marriage that is cold and rainy, I can forecast that relationship.
  3. The climate of a leader dictates the forecast of a team.
  4. A leader sets the thermostat.
  5. The team is the thermometer. They reflect it.
  6. When a leader leaves the room, the climate stays in the room.
  7. Everyone knows the climate of a leader except a leader. And that climate sets the lid for your leadership.
  8. The primary leadership emotion is fear.
  9. If you lead out of fear you are abusing the leadership role.
  10. God has never spoken audibly to me. He speaks louder than that.
  11. A leader who leads out of fear leads out of insecurity.
  12. If you’re an emotionally healthy leader you create a climate of emotional health.
  13. What’s it like to be on the other side of me?
  14. When you ask that question you will get encouraging information.
  15. The second thing is they will give you some surprising information.
  16. The third thing is they will hurt your feelings.
  17. If you don’t ask that question you forfeit the right to get better as a leader.
  18. Ask it to a spouse or family member, staff person, and a friend. Then just listen.
  19. Then at the end, you just say, “Thank you.”
  20. “Heavenly Father, what’s it like to be on the other side of me?”
  21. God is an emotionally healthy leader.
  22. God can be tough but in the middle of that discipline God can be loving.
  23. Your team will then ask the question themselves.

Next up is Pete Wilson.


As previously mentioned, INJOY Stewardship Solutions would like to offer you the FREE resource Breaking The Next Growth Barrier: 10 Things Pastors Can Do To Break Down Growth Barriers.  Click HERE or on the image to the left for your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.