17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons For X-Men: Apocalypse

When I went to see Captain America: Civil War I had the bar set very high.  I was expecting the movie to be one of the best action films I had ever seen.  It proved to be just that.

When I went to see X-Men Apocalypse I had the bar set very low.  I expected a movie for guys who like movies.  Shiny objects.  Very loud.  A lot of action and global destruction.  I did not expect it to win an Academy Award but I was just wanting two hours of mindless entertainment during a very busy season in my life.  It proved to be just that.

X-Men Apocalypse is an OK movie.  Just like Batman vs. Superman in March, it will not separate itself from the other films in the franchise.  Ultimately, it will be a forgettable comic book movie which I will probably watch often on FX in about two years.

However, it was entertaining in spots and did contain some quality leadership lessons.   The following are 17 Leadership Quotes And Lessons For X-Men: Apocalypse:

  1. Unto Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required – Professor Charles Xavier, played by James McAvoy, said, “A gift can often be a curse.  Give them wings and they may fly too close to the sun…Give them the power of imagination they think they may rule the world.”
  2. Too Often Leaders Do Not Live Up To Their Talent – Scott Summers, played by Tye Sheridan said, “It doesn’t feel like a gift.”  To which Xavier replies, “It never does at first.”
  3. Leaders Bring Out The Best In Others – Though they had two completely different value systems and took two completely different approaches, both Xavier and Apocalypse pulled the best out of those on their teams.
  4. Leaders Must Learn How To Best Leverage Their Gifts And Talents – Xavier said, “To understand one’s power is to learn the extent of it.”
  5. Ignorance Results In Fear – Xavier said, “Everyone fears that which they do not understand.”
  6. A Leader’s Greatest Weapon Is Their Mind – Raven, played by Jennifer Lawrence, said, “Charles wants students, not soldiers.”
  7. Good Or Bad, We All Sit Down To A Banquet Of Consequences – Magneto, played by Michael Fassbender, tried to escape the consequences of his actions from X-Men: Days Of Future Past.  However, when the townspeople where he lived discovered who he was, it cost him his family.
  8. Leaders Touch A Heart Before They Ask For A Hand – During his recruitment of Magneto, Apocalypse took him back to the concentration camp where his family was imprisoned and later killed.
  9. Leaders Must Properly Evaluate Reality – Raven said, “Just because there’s not a war doesn’t mean there’s peace.”
  10. Great Leaders Never Confuse Activity With Accomplishment – Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters, said, “For a guy who moves as fast as me I always seem to be late.”
  11. Smart Leaders Give People What They Want – Whether you lead a church or business, give the customers and people what they want.  The best part of the movie was the one scene with Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman.
  12. Great Leaders Serve Those Less Fortunate Than Themselves – Xavier said, “Those with the greatest power must protect those without.”
  13. Some Leaders Never Understand The Power Of Their Influence – Raven said, “I’m not a hero.” To which Jean Grey, played by Sophie Turner, responds, “You are to us.”
  14. Great Leaders Are Resilient And Finish Strong – Raven said, “I’m going to fight for what I have left.”
  15. Unsuccessful Leaders Do Not Build A Quality Team – Xavier told Apocalypse, “You will never win because you’re alone.  I’m not.”
  16. Great Leaders Protect Those They Serve – Xavier said, “I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to my school looking for trouble.”
  17. Great Leaders Give Those On Their Teams An Identity And Vision Of What They Could Be – Raven said, “Forget everything you think you know, you’re not students anymore! You’re X-Men!”

Once again, if you go see X-Men: Apocalypse, keep the bar low and just have a good time.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.