13 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Independence Day: Resurgence

Let me just say this, I’m just holding on for Jason Bourne.  Independence Day: Resurgence did not give me a spirit of independence, freedom, joy or victory.  In fact, I felt trapped for 90 minutes and could not get away.  It pains me to ever talk bad about someone else’s hard work and approximately one year’s worth of effort, but this is the worst movie I have paid money for in over 10 years.

Sadly, I actually had some high expectations for the movie.  I did not think it would be as good as the first film but I did expect to at least enjoy myself.  This is a B-movie at best.  My recommendation is to wait and see it on AMC in about two years.  I will address the primary reasons why in my first two points below.

The following are 13 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Independence Day: Resurgence:

  1. Excellence Gains You Credibility.  A Lack Of Excellence Loses Your Credibility. – Frankly, as I have mentioned, this is a poor movie and hurts the legacy of the first film.  The original Independence Day gained credibility over 20 years.  The franchise lost a lot of it in 90 minutes.
  2. Respect Your Audience – Some of the CGI involving people and green screens were poorly done.  The way people escaped danger and near-death stretched even the simplest of minds.  Dialogue was weak.  And Julius Levinson, played by Judd Hirsch, surviving a tsunami, finding an open road from the East Coast, getting gas, making a drive to Utah in a school bus and then finding his son in an open salt flat during an alien invasion, all in less than 24 hours, child please!
  3. Leaders Are Held To A Higher Standard – Jake Morrison, played by Liam Hemsworth, was told, “You don’t get credit for cleaning up your own mess.”
  4. Those Under Great Leaders Are Blessed – Morrison was also told why Dylan Hiller, Will Smith’s son from the original movie, ranked ahead of him – “He’s royalty.  We’re just orphans.”
  5. Smart Leaders Know You Can’t Move Into The Future Without Briefly Touching The Past – The movie showed a clip of President Whitmore’s, played by Bill Pullman, iconic speech from the first movie 20 years ago, “And should we win the day, the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice:  We will not go quietly into the night!  We will not vanish without a fight!  We’re going to live on!  We’re going to survive!  Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!”
  6. Take Out The Leader And The Team Often Dies – In order to save earth, it became imperative to take our the alien queen.  If the queen were defeated, the remaining aliens would die as well.
  7. Great Leaders Make Great Sacrifices – President Whitmore was willing to be tortured by an alien to gain information.  This could have ultimately cost him his life.
  8. Great Leaders Have Clear Purpose – Morrison said as he was heading into battle, “I’m not going out there to make friends.”
  9. Unity Is Worth Fighting For – President Whitmore said in this movie’s final pre-battle speech, “Unity.  That’s sacred.  That’s worth fighting for.”
  10. Great Leaders Have Great Resolve – He added, “It wasn’t luck last time.  It was our resolve..And that will lead us to victory.”
  11. Fathers Can Speak Great Confidence Into Their Daughters – Fathers have an amazing ability to give their, even adult children, confidence and a picture of everything they could be.  President Whitmore told his pilot daughter Patricia, “It’s good to see you flying again.  You’re place is in the air.”
  12. Great Leaders Make Hard Decisions – ***Spoiler Alert***  Hard decisions are simply part of the leadership job description.  President Whitmore willingly flew a suicide mission in an effort to kill the alien queen.
  13. Leaders Must Have Discernment To Experience Sustained Success – You must know when enough is enough.  Great speakers know when to get off the stage.  The story hints at a third inter-galatic battle.  Please, No!

In conclusion, I hate writing negative articles.  Unfortunately, there is no way getting around this one.  If you have more the one option for something to do this weekend, take the one not named Independence Day: Resurgence.  Jason Bourne I am waiting on you?

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.