Live Blog From Go Conference: 50 Leadership Quotes From Bill Purvis On Leadership Which Leads To Church Growth

For the next two days, I will be live blogging from the GO Georgia Conference in Atlanta, GA.  Go Georgia featured a phenomenal array of both nationally recognized speakers and leading practitioners from the state of Georgia.  Regardless of where you live, anyone serving in church ministry roles can gain practical information on a wide-range of ministry-oriented topics on the information provided.

Injoy Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend this amazing event as a way to invest in your growth.  They also want to invest in your leadership by offering you our latest FREE ebook The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Leadership Conference by clicking HERE for your complimentary copy.

The next speaker was Bill Purvis.  Bill, the senior pastor of Cascade Hills Church in Columbus, GA,  spoke on evangelism and church growth.  The following are 50 leadership quotes I captured during his challenging session on leadership which leads to church growth:

  1. I started with 32 people on Easter Sunday. I had no salary.
  2. The majority of my friends do not go to church.
  3. Ministry is tough.
  4. In 2015 we baptized every day of the year.
  5. Let the Word do the work.
  6. The secret to long-term growth is a Biblical foundation. You have to have a high view of the Bible. This is the authoritative Word of God.
  7. We forget there is a world out there that doesn’t know the (Christianese) language.
  8. It is not trends, it is Truth that transforms a life.
  9. The power is in the man of God with the Word of God who gets alone with God has the power of God.
  10. The key is being alone in the presence of God.
  11. Clarify your vision.
  12. It’s ok to have a small church, but not a small vision.
  13. You get that vision by walking around the property.
  14. You get a vision by walking around.
  15. Our vision is “We are the church for the unchurched.”
  16. The unchurched probably have less baggage than many people in your church.
  17. I would never visit or ask somebody from another church to come to our church. I would never hurt that church. That’s sheep-stealing.
  18. It’s easy to get fruit from somebody else.
  19. When a church splits, you know who gets hurt? It’s the little lambs.
  20. I would rather close down the local bar than split the local church.
  21. Prayer must be a priority.
  22. Three times in the New Testament Jesus called His house, “A House of Prayer.”
  23. The apple of my eye, my inner-circle, is my prayer partners.
  24. When you pray for somebody it’s hard to be mad at them.
  25. You make insiders by giving them inside information.
  26. 18,000 pastors a year leave the ministry. 1,500 a month leave or are fired.
  27. 80% of pastors’ children have a low trust of people.
  28. 97% of pastors have been betrayed by a trusted friend.
  29. Betrayal will kill your vision. Betrayal will make you feel unworthy and you shouldn’t continue.
  30. Prayer unites your people.
  31. Prayer partners are the lowest threshold of the volunteer ministry.
  32. We worship. We preach. We pray.
  33. When you have praying people you will have anointed people.
  34. Devise a strategy to create a pipeline of leaders. If you want to go a long distance, you have to have a bench.
  35. If you try to do it all you will burn out. If you try to do it all you’ll get tired.
  36. We can only grow to the level that we have leaders in place to train, retain people, and release people into using their gifts.
  37. I’ve never known what it’s like to be jealous. I want people to win.
  38. In my fifth year, we reached 100.
  39. “Hey buddy, I hear you need a friend.” – Ike Reighard
  40. I learned not everybody likes those guys (pastors who reject successful pastors).
  41. You equip other people.
  42. If you don’t train leaders, you’re limited in how far you can go.
  43. I’m focused on two people – leaders and the lost.
  44. Have you ever wanted to do a ministry but didn’t have a leader? If you train leaders, you’ll have leaders before you have the ministry.
  45. Our C-Level players become A-Level players wherever they go.
  46. Try to never do ministry alone.
  47. Help your people discover their spiritual gift. This is the most neglected strategy in the whole church.
  48. There’s gold in them there pews.
  49. We want Ritz-Carlton to one day come to us.
  50. When you’re giving away ministry, you’re not losing. You’re gaining.

Next up is Rick Muchow on dealing with changes in worship styles!

the absolute best (4)

As previously mentioned, INJOY Stewardship Solutions would like to offer you the FREE resource The Absolute Best Quotes From The 2016 ReThink Leadership Conference.  Click HERE or on the image to the above for your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.