Catalyst ’16 – 17 Leadership Quotes From Travis Boersma

As a member of the Catalyst Blog Team and INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Catalyst Conference in Atlanta, GA.  The theme for this year’s conference is Uncommon Fellowship.

The afternoon’s final speaker was Travis Boersma.  Travis feels strongly that Dutch Bros. is a part of each community in which we serve and encourages franchisees and baristas alike to be a positive force for good. Collectively, the company gives well over a million dollars a year to local causes.

Also, as a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship would like to invest in your leadership by inviting you to a FREE Thursday October 13th online event entitled “How To Overcome The Challenges Of Leading A Growing Church.”  Click HERE or on the image below to sign up.

The following are 17 Leadership Quotes and Lessons from his session:

Travis Boersma

  1. Focused Intensity multiplied by God over time equals momentum.
  2. Being involved in the community is a big deal for us.
  3. We are in the relationship business and the product is love.
  4. Our customers come for the product. They come back for the people.
  5. At the end of the day people just want to be valued. They want to feel loved.
  6. As leaders, we’re called to serve.
  7. If we are making mistakes, those are opportunities for us to learn and grow.
  8. You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.
  9. There is more impact in the power of unity in numbers.
  10. I’m not focused on business. I’m focused on culture.
  11. Leadership happens with gentle application.
  12. A collaborative effort is a big deal in my books.
  13. The power of questions is a focal point for me. The more quality questions you can ask the more quality of life you will live.
  14. Our culture is to say, “Yes.”
  15. I’m focused on being the best version of yourself.
  16. Where joy and happiness are is striving for our potential.
  17. Play equals God, family and work.

It has been an incredible day with countless leadership learnings.  Make sure to check back for more leadership insights throughout the day.


On Thursday October 13th, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is hosting an online event entitled, “How To Overcome The Challenges Of Leading A Growing Church”.  You will able to learn church growth lessons from experience pastors like Shawn Lovejoy, Marty Schmidt, Josh Pennington, Mike Linch and Jeff Maness himself.  Click HERE or on the images provided to sign up.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.