God’s Model Of A Great Leader – Johnny Hunt’s Message To Senior Pastors

This weekend I will be live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 6,000 men live in attendance and 26 states viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Battle Ready.  A war is waging, a daily battle for our hearts, our minds and our souls.  Before you swore allegiance to Jesus, the enemy had nothing against you. Now a servant of the King, you are the primary target of an enemy bent on the destruction of you and your family.

Before getting to Pastor Johnny’s amazing insights, if you want last year’s best conference quotes, click HERE and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  You will get the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.

The next session was a breakout session for senior pastors only.  The following are 25 Leadership Quotes From The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Senior Pastor Breakout Session:

  1. Montreal is the most unchurched city in North America – 8 million people, .04% Christian.
  2. When you look into a leader’s heart, you ought to find a mother’s heart.
  3. On February 25, 1985 my mother died of congestive heart failure but her heart never failed me.
  4. You cannot lead people you don’t influence.
  5. The #1 reason Southern Baptists are doing a poor job of reaching people is our people are coming to church alone. Our people are not inviting people.
  6. This Sunday I will have eight visitors with me.
  7. In the next 11 months if everyone in our church brought just one person, we would baptize more people than any church in the history of our denomination.
  8. The people coming to faith at First Baptist Woodstock are coming because they were invited to church.
  9. The longer you serve the greater the temptation to move away from a well-worn proverb – everything rises and falls on leadership.
  10. Preachers are getting soft.
  11. A church will talk you out of being an aggressive leader.
  12. The example of a good leader is a mom.
  13. Effective spiritual leadership is a combination of activity and character. It is who you are and what you do.
  14. If you aren’t careful you get more hung up on your position than your mission.
  15. If the people in your church aren’t full of Jesus, those who get saved in your church won’t be full of Jesus.
  16. The people that get saved in our church become like the people who are saved in our church.
  17. Mothers are absolutely essential to be well-being of their children.
  18. None of us in this room could have ever paid our mothers for all they did for us.
  19. Mothers have tolerance for imperfections.
  20. A pastor if he doesn’t have that same spirit, he will mark people out when there is a division.
  21. If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember what you said.
  22. A Christian never has the luxury to be unkind.
  23. Paul treated the church as a nursing mother who cares for the need of your children.
  24. There’s a lot of guys who want to accomplish what they want through the people. A leader wants to see what God wants accomplished in and through the people’s lives.
  25. My mom died at 60. I was her pastor for five years. I was 33 years old.
  26. Momma was the glue that held our family together.
  27. The day my mom died is the day I felt the closest to Jesus at anytime in my life.
  28. All of us need to be reminded where God found us.
  29. The Reformers were constantly rechecking their motives.
  30. I’m as strong now as I was then. I just take longer to recover.
  31. Caleb wanted when he was finishing what he wanted when he started.
  32. Don’t let someone steal your vision. It’s not theirs to take.
  33. You don’t have a soul. You are a soul.
  34. I’ve not just given the best years of my life to this church. These have been the best years of my life.
  35. You give your life to your people. You deposit your life into your people and God turns around and gives you a great return.
  36. I don’t want to spend my life convincing people to be obedient. They should respond to the Word of God.
  37. We have 79 single missionaries serving around the world.
  38. We’re preaching sermons calling people to make a commitment to which a platform does not exist to support that decision.
  39. If you will use your life’s platform to help others succeed, you will succeed.
  40. You’ll never miss anything you give away
  41. When you get a call at 3:00 AM it’s nothing good.
  42. My theology doesn’t change in a crisis. I believe in the sovereignty of God.
  43. If sometimes you make a blunder, when God called you He knew you were going to mess up and He still called you.
  44. The #1 desire from people per Pew Research is to preach Eschatology.
  45. We are intentional in being friendly. People in Baptist churches are family, not friendly.
  46. Most people have staff. They’re just not paid.
  47. We’re friendly on purpose.
  48. I read a minimum of really one good book a month.
  49. My heart is pastoring. There’s some things I can’t do. I pray you’ll never hear me say there’s something I won’t do.
  50. We always see people come to Christ through a funeral.
  51. I take off more time than any pastor in this room.
  52. I refuse to mandate something for my staff I don’t place myself under.
  53. I preach (an) average 45 Sundays a year. I love being here.

This concludes Day One.  Check back beginning tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM EST for lessons from Saturday’s sessions!


As mentioned above, click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are last year’s Johnny Hunt Mens Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.