Live Blog: 51 Leadership Quotes From Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Final Session

This weekend I will be live blogging from Johnny Hunt’s Men’s Conference.  This has become a must-attend event for me personally as it offers me two days to recharge my leadership batteries coming out of the holiday season.

With over 6,000 men live in attendance and 26 churches viewing in simulcasts around the world, this year’s theme was Battle Ready.  A war is waging, a daily battle for our hearts, our minds and our souls.  Before you swore allegiance to Jesus, the enemy had nothing against you. Now a servant of the King, you are the primary target of an enemy bent on the destruction of you and your family.

Before getting to Pastor Johnny’s amazing insights, if you want last year’s best conference quotes, click HERE and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  You will get the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.

The following are 51 Leadership Quotes From The Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference Final Session:

  1. To take up a weapon is not a careless or random act. A seriousness and a sense of immediacy are associated with picking up or strapping on a weapon.
  2. There is a sense that the battle is imminent; the urgency is great. Paul referred to “taking” the shield of faith and “taking” the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit.
  3. The best word for worship is “to battle”.
  4. Our faith operates the same way. When the enemy fires thoughts into our minds, our faith quenches those thoughts.
  5. THOUGHT – if our faith does not quench the thought, we will quench the spirit. Your faith is your most powerful weapon against the devil. It is the first line of defense.
  6. Faith doesn’t simply refer to things in the spirit, mind, and heart. Faith is intended to work in every area of your life, it relates to your physical well-being, your material and financial well- being, your relationships.
  7. You are to trust God for everything and in every circumstance.
  8. The Bible refers to 3 degrees of faith: little, great and perfect. Little faith says, “God can do this.” Great faith says, “God will do this.” Perfect faith says, “It’s as good as done.” Faith says, “I will trust God to deliver me, defend me, vindicate me, provide for me, and in the end, reward me for my faithfulness.”
  9. I never felt dirtier than when I tried to defend myself.
  10. Character has nothing to do with reputation. Character is who God knows who you are when alone.
  11. When you give it matters. When you don’t give it matters.
  12. Nothing can touch me unless filtered through His grace.
  13. I am going to die when God tells me to.
  14. When you own your own faith you stand firm it.
  15. My faith by the grace of God has sustained me through every trial I have faced in the last 43 years.
  16. God responds to faith.
  17. The great prayer of Jesus, “Not my will but Yours,” is the prayer that establishes us in faith.
  18. Faith is not about what we can do for God. Faith is about what God desires to do for us, in us, and around us. Faith is believing God to act out of His infinite power and wisdom on our behalf.
  19. Money, the entire world needs it in some form to live.
  20. 85% of every dime that comes into this church comes from 15% of the people.
  21. You know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
  22. It is to remind ourselves that we once were sinners and that by His grace, we are no longer in bondage to sin.
  23. Salvation is the experience of confessing sin, acknowledging that what Jesus did on the cross was the full sacrifice required by God for the punishment of sin, and receiving what Jesus did on one’s behalf. Once this decision is made, the Holy Spirit immediately seals the spiritual decision and indwells the believer, and nothing anybody can do or say, including the person who is saved, can undo what the Holy Spirit has done.
  24. When you are genuinely converted to Jesus Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit, you could not go to Hell if you wanted to.
  25. A person may fail to continue in his walk with the Lord, a person may fail to worship and serve Christ with his whole heart, and therefore, the person may be subject to chastisement (discipline) and a loss of potential rewards in eternity, but the person cannot reverse a genuine spiritual birth.  You cannot even reverse a physical birth.
  26. Jesus is the Savior. His work in us is salvation.
  27. The “helmet of salvation” helps monitor and govern our thinking. Through Jesus, you have the power to dismiss thoughts or to entertain thoughts. When you have a wrong thought you not only need to dismiss it, you need to replace it.
  28. You now have a deep knowing that sin destroys health, relationships, finances and the fulfillment of your purposes in this life.
  29. You can’t keep birds from flying over our head but you can keep them from building nests in your hair.
  30. Grace – The Power To Obey.
  31. When walking into the face of wrath, always be armed with a soft answer.
  32. Salvation in this passage does not refer only to a person’s initial acceptance of Christ as Savior. It also refers to God’s ongoing rescuing and delivering power.
  33. The strongest sex organ a man possesses is his mind.
  34. The helmet protects the head, the brain, the mind.
  35. The mind is the real spiritual battleground on which the enemy fights his strongest, bloodiest, dirtiest and most important battles.
  36. We must protect our thought life.
  37. “I committed a sin and that sin defined me.” – Gordon McDonald
  38. Women put more attention on their eyes when preparing for a beauty pageant than anything else.
  39. There’s a tendency to not look at those you have offended.
  40. Shame, Fear, and Guilt – Satan’s 3 best tools on us.
  41. The written Word of God, when spoken aloud into a particular situation by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and with the authority of the Holy Spirit, is a powerful, irreplaceable weapon against the devil. It is the weapon that puts the devil on the run. It’s the weapon that pushes back the forces of darkness. The Bible is your most powerful weapon in defeating the devil.
  42. If you don’t get anything out of the Bible the devil’s going to get a whole lot out of you.
  43. We need to know God’s Word and be armed with an arsenal of verses that specifically refer to your particular weakness. Now, discipline your mind to memorize those verses. The Word of God reveals your motivation, desires, and sins. God’s Word will quicken your faith, renew your hopes, and put your heart in a state of readiness.
  44. Pray on your knees and position yourself before God.
  45. Just does the defending while we do the standing.
  46. Prayer is what we do once dressed. This establishes our relationship. Through prayer we experience God in our lives. The enemy will attempt to distract us from praying because he knows the effectiveness of God’s children on their knees.
  47. Prayer refers to general praise, thanksgiving, and intercession. It places our attention on His attributes; His goodness, greatness, excellence, glory, etc.
  48. The main reward God gives you is Himself.
  49. In prayer God speaks; He tells you things, shows you things. Revels people, situations, opportunities, problems, relationships, etc.
  50. Your fruitfulness and usefulness of God are directly related to your prayers. Prayer gives greater discernment. Prayer brings self-awareness. Prayer reveals my area of weakness.
  51. Having done all, PRAY.

It has been a great event with countless leadership principles.  I hope you enjoyed all the lessons.


As mentioned above, click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are last year’s Johnny Hunt Mens Conference sessions along with the ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.