Live Blog From ReThink Conference – 20 Leadership Quotes From Carey Nieuwhof

For the next three days, I will be live blogging from the ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  ReThink, open exclusively to senior pastors, campus pastors and executive pastors, is a unique gathering of church leaders who are committed to solving the biggest challenges facing your church and the Church.

Injoy Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend this amazing event as a way to invest in your growth.  They also want to invest in your leadership by offering you our latest FREE ebook How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects by clicking HERE for your complimentary copy.

The opening speaker was Carey Nieuwhof.  Carey is the Lead Pastor of Connexus Church–a growing multi-campus church north of Toronto and strategic partner of North Point Ministries. Prior to starting Connexus, Carey served for 12 years in a mainline church, transitioning three small congregations into a single, rapidly-growing church. He writes one of the most widely read Christian leadership blogs today at and hosts the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. The following are 20 leadership quotes I captured during this eye-opening session on strategy and how it helps you scale:

  1. Solitude is a gift from God. Isolation is from the enemy.
  2. Vision is not your problem.
  3. The vision of the church was handed to us. We can’t come up with our own vision.
  4. Mission is not your problem.
  5. You don’t have a ministry problem.  You have a strategy problem.
  6. The reason vision falls flat is you don’t have a strategy.
  7. Clear strategy provokes deep fear.
  8. Ambiguity never provokes fear. Clarity does.
  9. Strategy is the execution of your mission and vision.
  10. Strategy becomes divisive because it is clear.
  11. The last 10% of the change is hardest. Show me blended worship and I’ll show you someone fearing change.
  12. Clear strategy initially divides before it unites. What initially pushes people away eventually creates unity.
  13. The clearer you are on your strategy, the simpler it is, the more it is written down, the easier it is.
  14. Strategy demands constant reinvention. This is another reason leaders retreat from strategy.
  15. The more we grew the more complicated we got.
  16. If you’re going to stay current, you’re going to have to reinvent your strategy.
  17. It’s easy to change something someone else built. It’s much more difficult to change something you built.
  18. The temptation to strategize once is very strong and the direct path to irrelevance.
  19. Strategic thinking is the key to attracting young talent.
  20. Yesterday’s ideas never attract tomorrow’s leaders.

The information is starting to come fast and furious.  Up next is Reggie Joiner.

As previously mentioned, INJOY Stewardship Solutions would like to offer you the FREE resource How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects.  Click HERE or on the image to the left for your complimentary copy.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.