Live Blog From ReThink Conference – 24 Leadership Quotes From Reggie Joiner

For the next three days, I will be live blogging from the ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  ReThink, open exclusively to senior pastors, campus pastors and executive pastors, is a unique gathering of church leaders who are committed to solving the biggest challenges facing your church and the Church.

Injoy Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to attend this amazing event as a way to invest in your growth.  They also want to invest in your leadership by offering you our latest FREE ebook How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects by clicking HERE for your complimentary copy.

Today’s second speaker was Reggie Joiner.  Reggie is the founder and CEO of Orange, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to influence those who influence the next generation. Orange provides resources and training for churches and organizations that create environments for parents, kids and teenagers.  The following are 24 leadership quotes I captured during the Q&A he participated in:

  1. What do I want a kid to become?
  2. Where do I want a kid or teenager to be so they can learn what I want them to learn?
  3. If you could only get the people of your church to come to one thing, what would that one thing be?
  4. A strategy is a plan of action with an end in mind.
  5. Recruit the most qualified and educated staff to work with young people and pay them accordingly.
  6. Kids and students matter.
  7. Two things that have to be right in your church – what you’re doing with your kids and what you’re doing with your presentation.
  8. Kids are the engine of growth for reaching your community.
  9. You can say student ministry is important but I want to see your budget. – Craig Groeschel
  10. In churches where they carve out more revenue for children’s ministry, the pie gets larger.
  11. You have to have a volunteer process that sets people up to win.
  12. You need to put your best talent in front of your best potential.
  13. We have amazing leaders who show up to invest in kids and teenagers. But senior pastors set the tone for that.
  14. We’re going to get the leaders for family and children’s ministry before we get leaders for anywhere else.
  15. What you need to do with parents is not a workshop you do once a year. You need an ongoing strategy.
  16. You do an event, 20-30% will come and the 80% who need it won’t come.
  17. One of your best tools to reach parents in your community is a small group leader.
  18. If you have the right curriculum, it will work with the parents in your church and the parents in your community.
  19. Suicides peak at 10th grade in our country.
  20. Middle school is when kids start seeing things and experiencing things for the first time.
  21. Middle school is the Affirm Phase. I’ve never met a middle schooler who was affirmed enough.
  22. 1/3 of the cerebral cortex goes away in middle school. They are not being irresponsible. They are losing their mind.
  23. When they get their license, you lose a lot of kids in transition.
  24. To value the ministry to middle school, it sends a message to your community when middle schoolers matter.

The morning is going amazing.  I can’t wait for the next session with Jeff Henderson.

As previously mentioned, INJOY Stewardship Solutions would like to offer you the FREE resource How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects.  Click HERE or on the image to the left for your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.