The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter In 2017 Part 2

Earlier this year I posted my annual listing of The Top 35 Blogs Christian Leaders Need To Read In 2017 and The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Need To Follow On Twitter In 2017 Part 1.

When speaking with the highly-respected church consultant Scott Williams several years ago, he advised me to do another list mid-year so people could be pointed to even more great Christian leaders.

Because Scott’s advice and of the popularity of these resources, I am privileged to provide you a mid-year additional list of The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter In 2017 Part 2.  Please note – this is my personal list.  Feel free to make your own.  No one person could ever truly capture everything God is doing through His children.

Make sure you follow everyone listed below.  They will make you a better leader just as they have me.

  1. Jon Acuff – Jon is a speaker, comedian, and New York Times bestselling author of Do Over: Make Today The First Day Of Your New Career.  No one makes me laugh more on Twitter.
  2. Matt Adair – Matt is the Lead Pastor of Christ Community Church in Athens, GA and writes the wonderful leadership blog  Anyone who combines leadership, sports, and Christianity like Matt does will always be on my list!
  3. Greg Atkinson – Do you need a Secret Shopper at your church?  No one is better than Greg.  Make sure you check out his book Secrets of a Secret Shopper: Reaching And Keeping Church Guests.
  4. Frank Bealer – Frank is just an incredible leader.  He is the CEO of Phase Family Centers and Executive Director of Leadership Development at the Orange / The Rethink Group.  He is also the author of the incredibly practical new book The Myth of Balance: Thriving In The Tension Of Ministry, Work and Life.
  5. Dan Cathy – Dan needs no introduction but just in case, he is the Chairman & CEO of Chick-fil-A.  He is also an incredible follow on Twitter.  Is it Monday yet?  #EatMorChikin
  6. Chris Brown and his wife Executive Pastor Holly Brown – Get ready for this resume – Chris is a pastor, speaker, key leader for Ramsey Solutions, and host of the Life Money Hope podcast and The Leadership Momentum podcast .  His wife Holly is the Executive Pastor of Embrace Church with five campuses in Minnesota and South Dakota.  She is also one of my favorite authors on
  7. Derek Carr – As quarterback of the Oakland Raiders, Derek is also currently the NFL’s highest paid player.  More importantly, Derek loves Jesus.  He recently made news by publicly stating his continued commitment to tithe of his $125 million contract.
  8. Dr. Sam Chand – Do you want just sheer smarts and intelligence, all flowing from biblical framework?  No one is better than Dr. Chand.  He is one of the world’s most respected theologians and consultant to pastors.  Make sure you get his new book Bigger, Faster Leadership: Lessons From The Builders Of The Panama Canal.  It is amazing!
  9. H.B. Charles Jr. – The man knows as HBC2 has been the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida since 2008.  He also hosts The On Preaching Podcast which is dedicated to helping you preach faithfully, clearly, and better.
  10. Justin Dean – Justin is a good friend with an amazing story.  The former Communications Director at Mars Hill Church during Mark Driscoll’s leadership, Justin is a social media guru, founder of That Church Conference, and author of #PR Matters: A Survival Guide For Church Communicators.
  11. Kevin DeYoung – Pastor Kevin is the senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in North Carolina.  He is also an incredible speaker and writer for The Gospel Coalition.
  12. The Gospel Coalition – Speaking of The Gospel Coalition, TGC exists to promote gospel-centered ministry for the next generation. Join them on April 4, 2018 for . Click for more information.
  13. Naeem Fazal – Naeem is Pakistani born, former Muslim who now pastors Mosaic Church in Huntersville, NC.
  14. Bob Goff – Here is a lawyer everyone loves!  The author of Love Does: Discover A Secretly Incredible Life In An Ordinary World is one of the most delightful people you will ever meet or read.
  15. Craig Groeschel – There are simply few people I respect as much as the Senior Pastor of Life.Church.  For more on this iconic ministry click 27 Reasons Why Life.Church Led By Pastor Craig Groeschel Is America’s Largest Church.
  16. Brian Houston – Brian and his wife are pastors and founders of Hillsong Church.  They are passionate about Jesus, family, the Church, and helping people any way they can!
  17. Ryan Leak – Ryan is one of America’s greatest young communicators.  Trust me – book him for your conference or church TODAY.  Incredibly funny and inspirational.  He is also the author of the wonderful book Chasing Failure.
  18. Trip Lee – This guy does it all.  He is a rapper, speaker, teaching pastor at Cornerstone Church in Atlanta, and author.
  19. Lifeway – Lifeway is one of the world’s largest providers of Christian products and services.  Their Twitter account is also a wealth of information which will help you as a leader.
  20. Levi Lusko – Levi is the author of the bestselling book Through the Eyes of a Lion and pastor of Fresh Life Church, a multisite church in Montana and Utah founded with his wife Jennie.
  21. Pastor Eric Mase – Dr. Mason is co-founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA. In addition, to his role as pastor, he serves as president of Thrive In The City.  A ministry dedicated to aiding ethnic minorities to be resourced and trained for ministry to the urban context
  22. Jonathan Merritt – Jonathan is an award-winning writer on religion, culture, and politics. He currently serves as a contributing writer for The Atlantic and senior columnist for Religion News Service.  Named one of “30 young influencers reshaping Christian leadership“ by Outreach Magazine, Jonathan is a sought after speaker at colleges, conferences, and churches.
  23. Nabeel Qureshi – Nabeel is the author of the New York Times bestselling Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, the only book ever to win Christian Book Awards for both “Best New Author” and “Best Nonfiction.” Nabeel is a former global speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.  Please pray for him as he fights advanced stage stomach cancer.
  24. Andy Stanley – Andy needs no introduction.  One of the most impactful events I have attended in the last decade was the recent Passion City Church service where Louie Giglio interviewed Andy and his father Dr. Charles Stanley.  Click 53 Quotes From Andy Stanley And Dr. Charles Stanley’s Interview With Louie Giglio Of Passion City Church for all my insights from their time together.
  25. Tim Tebow – Tim is a picture of everything right in this world.  An athlete, speaker, author and the work his foundation does with special needs children inspires us all.  May I one day have a son-in-law like Tim Tebow.
  26. Johnny “JT” Terrazas – There is not a kinder pastor an America than Pastor JT of Hope City Community Church in El Paso, TX.  This is an incredible man and pastor who everyone should know about.
  27. Bishop Walter Scott Thomas – There is no finer leader than the Pastor of New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore.  Bishop Thomas’s influence is also felt as the Presiding Prelate of Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors.  Just simply a great leader and influencer of hundreds of pastors.
  28. Justin Trapp – Justin is the Founder of Ministry Pass which does an incredible job of equipping church leaders with the tools and resources they need.  He is an incredible resource of leadership content.  Click HERE to learn more.
  29. Russell Wilson – The quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks Twitter bio says it all, “I want to Love like Jesus!”
  30. Ravi Zacharias – The Founder & President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries based out of Atlanta should needs no introduction.  Few share the Gospel or defend the Christian faith in as a logical and loving manner.  As his Twitter profile says, he helps thinkers believe and believers to think.

That is my list.  Who else do you follow?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.