The Best 4 Minutes On Leadership Greatness And Ambition I Have Ever Heard

One of the great privileges of my life was the 10 years my wife and I sat under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Crawford Loritts at Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  During that time, I never grew so much in my worldview, how God uses brokenness, the development of my biblical framework for leadership and decision-making, and the importance of elevating the Scriptures as the ultimate authority for my life.  Crawford has as much moral authority as anyone I have ever met.

In addition, I also served alongside him on the elder board for five years.  Finally, I was deeply honored to represent him, our board and my church as our recent capital campaign chairman.  It is an honor to call him a friend.

If you do not own a copy of his incredible book Leadership As An Identity: The Four Traits Of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence, click HERE and get your copy today.  You can thank me later.

He also has an incredibly distinctive communication style which you can witness the video above.  As I watched this video, I realized it is The Best 4 Minutes On Leadership Greatness And Ambition I Have Ever Heard.  The following are 14 leadership quotes captured from Crawford’s message.

  1. Part of the struggle with my generation has been we were so top-down that we had this authoritarian thing and did not do quite as well as we should have done in giving ministry away and empowering one another.
  2. Slay the significant monster early in your life and ministry.  The number one thing that will inject embalming fluid in your impact is if you don’t slay the significance monster.
  3. If you think your vision is just about you and your moment in history you’re going to end up hurting a lot of people.  For you’ll be driven by a power base.  You’ll be driven by a platform.  You’ll be driven by recognition.
  4. Early on in your ministry you’ve got to make sure others are at the core of everything you do and you must really believe in your heart you’ll never lose anything by giving it all away.  If you don’t get that you’ll never be successful in terms of the Great Commission and you’ll never make the kind of multiplication impact God wants you to have.
  5. What God has for you no mortal being can take from you so you never need to compete or compare.
  6. When you have public gifting you get used to a platform but when you get used to the platform you begin to secure your own sense of power.
  7. The significance of your life cannot truly be determined when you try to evaluate it at any given point in life.  Heaven is real and the scales are there.
  8. Don’t be like so many of us in this evangelical industry phase of Christianity where we keep having these silly spitting contests.
  9. I see 65, 70-year-old guys who have written books and all this kind of stuff, they’re so power hungry that they hide behind Truth to maintain their platforms rather than being humble servants of the Lord and extending it and giving it away and blessing others and being cheerleaders and multiplying the impact.
  10. They got so used to standing ovations and signing Bibles and signing their books that it went to their heads and it destroyed them and I plead with you – Don’t go down that road.
  11. Talk about jealousies.  Talk about competition.  Talk about those things and allow God to edit your life.  And that’s where real authenticity takes place.
  12. The internet and social media has just fed an evangelical idolatry.
  13. You don’t have to be like anything.  You have to be like God wants you to be – humble, broken servants of the Lord and whatever God wants to give you He’ll bring it to you.  You don’t have to go campaigning for it.
  14. Greatness is never the product of giftedness.  Greatness is the product of faithfulness.

What is one thing from Crawford’s message you learned which can make you a better leader?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.