49 Leadership Quotes From John Maxwell On The 3X Formula To Gain The Edge In Leadership

If you know me then you know John Maxwell is my spiritual hero.  I had the privilege of working for him from 2002 to 2008 when he owned what is now called INJOY Stewardship Solutions.  So when I got an email today saying he was offering free online coaching on The Law Of Curiosity from his book The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth, I decided to set aside 45 minutes for my own personal growth.

John is recognized as one of the leading experts on personal growth and he did not disappoint.  His thoughts and insights made me a better leader.  In an effort to add value to you, I wanted to share my personal notes from his session.

You can visit JohnMaxwellAcademy.com or click the image above to sign up for a replay viewing.  I highly recommend it.

The following are 49 Leadership Quotes From John Maxwell On The 3X Formula To Gain The Edge In Leadership.  All quotes below are from John’s session.

  1. “In order to add value to others one must first bring value to others.”
  2. “You have to know yourself to grow yourself.”
  3. “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates
  4. “Even as a teenager, I just didn’t sleep in.”
  5. “I ask this every day, ‘What am I missing?’ Curiosity tells you you are missing something.
  6. Some people look at things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ Others look at things and ask, ‘What could be?”’
  7. “One of the great mistakes a lot of leaders make is to lead by assumption.”
  8. “You can’t lead people until you find people.”
  9. ‘“Why’ is not a curious question. It is a frustration and resignation question.”
  10. “When you take curiosity and connect it to imagination and creativity, if linked properly together, take you and I way beyond ordinary.”
  11. “Curiosity begins with more questions. You can tell if a person is curious by the number of questions they ask.”
  12. “I always wonder why people don’t ask me more questions.”
  13. “I assume every one of you knows something I don’t know and I’ve got to find it.”
  14. “If you want to live a surface life, live without questions.”
  15. “I find most leaders don’t ask questions. Most leaders want to cast vision.”
  16. “Your questions tell you how much you’re growing.”
  17. “In my 30’s I didn’t ask questions. I just casted vision and gave directives.”
  18. “I thought when I was a young leader I was supposed to be Mr. Answer man.”
  19. “What I realized was in my 30’s I didn’t have any wisdom.”
  20. “If you really want to know where your people are just live a life worth of questions.”
  21. “Imagination creates options.”
  22. “My favorite word could be ‘options’. I love options.  Please don’t box me in.”
  23. “Imagination helps you understand there’s more than one way to do this.”
  24. “Creativity gives you more solutions. This is where success.  Success is having more than one answer.”
  25. “Never bring me a problem unless you bring me three solutions.”
  26. “When you bring the solutions, one of the three has to have you involved in it.”
  27. “Be willing to absorb the risk of having creative people on your team. Creative people make uncreative very nervous.  Boring people want you to stay boring.”
  28. “You’ve got to treat everybody equally? Where did you get such a stupid idea?”
  29. “Leaders always put their time, effort and energy into people who gives them the highest return.”
  30. “The coach is paid to win games.”
  31. “To be creative you must be comfortable with half-developed ideas.”
  32. “I used to share my thoughts and ideas to my team so they would follow me. Now I share my thoughts and ideas with my team so they can make it better.”
  33. “Some of my best thinking has been done by other people.”
  34. “Do you know why I’m free with my staff? Because I have a bunch of stuff.”
  35. “If you want to develop creative people don’t have a rule book.”
  36. “A bunch of legislation just wears people out. Creative people have to have some room.”
  37. “If you want to develop creative people encourage ideas from the bottom-up.”
  38. “You have to get around the people who are around you.”
  39. “90% of all my ideas came from people who just joined the team.”
  40. “Have a beginner’s mindset. A beginner’s mindset is as if you knew nothing.”
  41. “Learn something new every day. When’s the last time you learned something for the first time.  When’s the last time you did something for the first time.”
  42. “Make failure your friend. Embrace failure.”
  43. “Instead of saying, ‘How can I go through this?’ Ask ‘How can I grow from this?”’
  44. “Be comfortable being uncomfortable.”
  45. “Keep asking questions.”
  46. “Questions unlock doors. Questions are the keys.”
  47. “There is nothing more valuable in your organization than a good idea and good questions.”
  48. “The value of what you give people is not so much the content. It is the encouragement to get started.”
  49. “If you get somebody that’s really good, they multiply you.”

What is one thing from John’s teaching which will make you a better leader?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.