14 Lessons On The Toughest Person In Your Church Or Organization To Lead

Who is the toughest person in your church or organization to lead?  The answer may surprise you.  The toughest person to lead in your church or organization to lead is not the high-achiever, not the artist, the combative personality, and not even the millennial.  These are the answers most people give.  But none of these individuals is the toughest person to lead in your church or organization.

The toughest person to lead is yourself.  Shawn Lovejoy, the incredible founder and leader of Courage To Lead, has some interesting thoughts on the topic which you can read below.

If you are unfamiliar with Shawn and the Courage To Lead team, I want to make you aware of an unique opportunity to connect with them.  They will be hosting a roundtable in Indianapolis on September 28th.  This is a must-attend event for all pastors in the area.  For a ridiculously low price of only $29, you will get to learn Understanding The Three Gears of Growth, Leading Yourself To The Next Level, Aligning Your Team, Connecting People Quickly, Planning & Preparing for a HUGE DAY, and much more.  This is limited to 75 attendees so click HERE or the image above to sign up today.  I can’t recommend this event enough.

Now as promised, the following are 14 Leadership Quotes and Lessons on Self-Leadership from Shawn Lovejoy, founder of Courage To Lead:

  1. There are many (ministry) methods and one Lord.
  2. It’s easier to fix everbody and everything around us than it is to fix ourselves.
  3. Extraordinary leaders are not great leaders of other people, they’re first and foremost great leaders of themselves.
  4. Extraordinary leaders don’t lead from the outside-in but the inside-out.
  5. The condition of our heart determines the outcome of our ministry.
  6. No one taught us to read a spreadsheet in seminary but we had to learn…The most difficult thing to monitor is the condition of my heart.
  7. We said “Yes” to spiritual attack 365 (days a year).
  8. Ever done “church planter match” and it didn’t turn out the way you added it up?
  9. God is more interested in our motives than the size of our ministries.
  10. A clean heart is a heart that is fully-acceptable and can be used by God.
  11. The longer you do this the more it’s about ministering to those closest to you.
  12. We live in the age of pastor church planting conferences.
  13. None of it (systems) are as important as our hearts.
  14. Do you want to see God do what only He can do or do you want to see what you can do?

As you can see, Shawn is a wealth of knowledge.  And once again, don’t miss his upcoming roundtable.  $29 is a gift and this day will add value to your leadership like none other. Click the image below to sign up TODAY!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.