10 Books Every Leader Should Read This Fall

Why is it important for leaders to be readers?  Reading is a demonstration of humility.  It communicates that a leader understands he/she has not arrived yet.  There is a gap from where they are and where they need to be.  Therefore, leadership demands continual learning.

Also, I have found reading to be the fastest way to discover solutions to the issues a leader faces.  Why go through trial and error, and needlessly waste time, effort, and money when you can simply go to Amazon?  With usually one click you can learn from proven experts who have already figured out how to solve your problem for only a $5- $10 investment.

As a resource to you, pictured above is my 2017 Fall Reading List.  If you do not have a reading list, I highly recommend each of these books.  They are already making me a more effective leader.  Everyone is different but I continually try to rotate my reading from sports (enjoyment), business (work), Christianity (theology and leadership development), military (high-stress leadership) or some combination of the four.  By rotating between these four topics, I feel it helps keep me rounded as a leader.

Below is a brief synopsis of each and how they could help you as well.  You can click the link to learn more and purchase.

  • Demolishing Strongholds: Finding Victory Over the Struggles That Hold You Back by Dr. Johnny Hunt – This is the BEST book I’ve read this season.  There is a difference between leader development (character) and leadership development (competence).  This is a fine a leader development book as you will read.
  • 4th and Goal Every Day: Alabama’s Relentless Pursuit of Perfection by Phil Savage.  Other than getting a book from Coach Nick Saban himself, nothing I have read gives you a better behind the scenes look at the systems and processes of the Alabama football dynasty.  A must-read for any leader wanting to build a sustainable organization.
  • Bigger, Faster Leadership: Lessons from the Builders of the Panama Canal by Dr. Sam Chand.  An epiphany during a visit to the Panama Canal led Sam Chand—one of the country’s most respected voices on ministry and marketplace leadership—to bold new insights on the life cycles of business or church organizations.  This is the next book on my list.
  • PR Matters: A Survival Guide for Church Communicators by Justin Dean.  Justin was running point during the high profile transition of Pastor Mark Driscoll out of Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  He learned about church public relations in a trial by fire!!!  Plus, Justin is a GREAT guy and dear friend.  Get this book!
  • How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority by Clay Scroggins.  Great leaders lead with or without the authority and learn to unleash their influence wherever they are.  With practical wisdom and humor, Clay helps you nurture your vision and cultivate influence, even when you lack authority in your organization.
  • Everyone’s a Genius: Unleashing Creativity for the Sake of the World by Alan Briggs.  Every year I try to read two or three books on creativity.  What I like about Alan’s book is it puts creativity into a biblical context for every person, not just artisans and creatives.
  • Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.  I just finished this incredible book.  Of the countless leadership lessons contained in its pages, I was struck most by how relentless preparation provides you peace in the midst of chaos and conflict.  Willink and Babin’s account or real-life war scenarios is riveting.  The skill, thought process, and bravery of the men and women protecting our country always humbles me.
  • The Mythical Leader: The Seven Myths of Leadership by Ron Edmondson.  Ron is one of my favorite leaders.  He exposes some of the most common misunderstandings of leadership, shares stories from his own experiences, and will help church leaders develop healthier patterns to improve their individual leadership.  A must-read for all church leaders!
  • Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done by Jon Acuff.  92 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail.  People who have fun are 43 percent more successful! Imagine if your diet, guitar playing, or small business was 43 percent more suc­cessful just by following a few simple principles.  If you’re tired of being a chronic starter and want to become a consistent finisher, you have two options: You can continue to beat yourself up and try harder, since this time that will work. Or you can give yourself the gift of done.
  • The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown.  Three different people recommended this book to me.  After learning that Microsoft’s new CEO makes it mandatory reading for all new leaders, I figured it was time.

What other books are you reading this fall?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.