Live Blog Vision 2017 Pastors Roundtable – 45 Quotes On Visionary Leadership From Pastor Dr. Willard Maxwell

As a member of INJOY Stewardship SolutionsI will be bringing you live updates from the much anticipated Vision 2017 Pastors Roundtable in Newport News, VA.  The theme for this event centers around how churches can raise funds during uncertain economic times.

The final speaker was Senior Pastor Dr. Willard Maxwell.  As the Senior Pastor of New Beech Grove Baptist Church, Dr. Maxwell educates and equips those he is called to serve through Biblical yet practical preaching/teaching. His interactive approach to pastoral leadership includes creating and cultivating a culture of innovation, leadership and a commitment to spiritual and personal growth.

Also, as a special gift to everyone reading these posts, INJOY Stewardship would like to invest in your leadership by offering you the FREE ebook How To Disciple Financial Leaders.  Click HERE or on the image below to receive your complimentary copy.The following are 45 Quotes On Visionary Leadership From Pastor Dr. Willard Maxwell from his incredible session:

  1. We sometimes act that not handling business is the Christian thing to do.
  2. A leader cannot be afraid to choose followers.
  3. Most of the time your bad leaders only come on Sundays. They don’t come on Sundays.
  4. Picking the right leaders is the beginning of the vision taking off.
  5. You can’t be afraid to choose your leaders because some are inherited and not with you.
  6. Put some in place and work around them.
  7. You’ve got to have a leader who has your heart.
  8. If you don’t love the neighbor you see, how can you say you love God who you don’t see?
  9. You can’t love the church and not love the pastor.
  10. Some don’t want you to be successful as a leader. Some don’t care if you’re successful even though it’s hurting themselves.
  11. The capital campaign was a great way to focus on the vision but I’m not going to ask you for more money if I don’t know what I’m going to use it for.
  12. A leader can’t be afraid to excuse followers. Some had to be excused.
  13. Most people are passive-aggressive.
  14. People leave in a capital campaign not because of money but because the vision is becoming more potent.
  15. Jesus said that everyone who started with Him will not finish with Him.
  16. What’s killing your vision is your leaders. The people inside can kill you.  When you give them a position you give them credibility.
  17. Until you get bold, God will get rid of people for you.
  18. The greatest gift God can give me as a leader is to get rid of people for me.
  19. A leader can’t be afraid to lose followers.
  20. I will chase a certain type of person leaving the church – new members. Do you know who ran them off – old members.
  21. The devil is putting people around you to distract you.
  22. I don’t care how many people you reach, if you don’t have the infrastructure to hold them it’s not going to work.
  23. My mistake was I was trying to everything by myself.
  24. A leader can’t be afraid to diffuse followers.
  25. You can’t be afraid to break up some cliques.
  26. When you give people ownership they don’t want to lose.
  27. Always know what’s going on but let your leaders lead it.
  28. A leader can’t be to use your followers.
  29. You have strokes as pastors because you’re trying to do everything.
  30. You have two hands to let you know you’re limited. Some churches don’t grow because some people want their hands on everything.
  31. Some of us are fat because we don’t eat a lot. Many are stressed and it’s going to their gut.
  32. The problem with the church is we’re saving souls but not making disciples.
  33. Pastors, don’t go visit every sick person. That’s what you got deacons for.
  34. A leader can’t be afraid to re-use followers.
  35. Bandwagon Christians – some people don’t ever join you to they see you winning.
  36. You aren’t going to pastor everybody. You just got to find who their pastor is in the church.
  37. Peter and Judas. Both denied Him.  But you have to know how to re-use Peter and cut Judas.
  38. Some of our churches are failing because we have too many people in our secret place and then telling our secrets.
  39. A leader can’t be afraid to refuse followers.
  40. You couldn’t re-use Judas. You could re-use Doubting Thomas.
  41. Pastors, if we want people to submit to us we must also learn how to submit.
  42. Pillars hold stuff up and some pillars at your church don’t do nothing but hold stuff up.
  43. Leaders are those who should be able, capable and willing to give. Why are you making decisions if you aren’t putting any money into the vision?
  44. I want someone who is going to help me win a ring.
  45. If you can’t help me win a ring you can’t be on my team. My ring is saving souls.

It has been an incredible day.  Make sure you read all the lessons from the previous sessions.

As mentioned above, INJOY Stewardship Solutions is offering all pastors and church leaders the FREE resource How To Disciple Financial Leaders.  Preaching on money is tough. While it is very important, you don’t want people to think you are just after their money. In this eBook, we discuss how to disciple and shepard the financial leaders in your church with integrity and effectiveness.  Click HERE or on the image below to receive your complimentary copy.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.