16 Things Emotional Leaders Must Know To Be Successful


A leader I know recently took the DISC profile.  She graded out as a High I, High D combination.  The assessment revealed she would either be the life of the party or very results-driven.  The company’s CEO told her the dark side of this profile is her team will never know who they are getting on a day-to-day basis.  Will it be the leader who is their best friend or driven leader coming to work today?

I would classify Cam Newton, the quarterback of the Carolina Panthers, as a High I, High D personality as well.  You never know which Cam you will get.  On today’s Fox Sports First Things First morning show, analyst Ray Lewis joined co-hosts Nick Wright and Chris Carter to discuss Newton’s personality.  Specifically, they discussed how emotional he was and the impact it had on the team.

As I listened to the conversation, I gleaned the following 16 Things Emotional Leaders Must Know To Be Successful.  Initials are next to each quote indicating who made them.

  1. Emotional Leaders Are Bold – “Leaders are bold when it comes to the emotional side of the game.” – RL
  2. Emotions Are Not A Measurable Leadership Statistic – “Emotions in the game of football are the biggest things no one can measure.” – RL
  3. All Leaders Are Constantly Being Watched But Especially Emotional Leaders – “I told Cam, ‘Don’t ever show pain on your face… cause everyone’s watching you.'” – RL
  4. Leaders Have A Variety Of Personalities – “Every leader isn’t wired the same.” – RL
  5. The Team Is Always A Reflection Of The Leader – “Cam can’t fake it very well.  When he wears his emotions, good or bad, the team follows him and when Cam is mopey, or when Cam is down, of when Cam is anxious, the team plays as such.” – NR
  6. If You Are An Emotional Leader You Must Be Authentic – “You have to be within your personality.  You have to be authentic.” – CC
  7. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In The Area Of Passion – “You’ve got to play the game so well that you’ve got to be above reproach as far as the amount of time you spend in the building” – CC
  8. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In Preparation – “the amount of information, the blitz reads” – CC
  9. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In Responsibility – “the schedule being on time” – CC
  10. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In Terms Of Work Ethic – “lifting weights” – CC
  11. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In Self-Management – “getting treatment” – CC
  12. Emotional Leaders Must Be Above Reproach In Generosity – “what do you do for the other buys, do you buy them dinners, do you take them out when you’re on the road, all these things.” – CC
  13. Emotional Leaders Have Bad Days – “When you are a charismatic leader you do have bad days.” – CC
  14. Being An Emotional Leader Requires Tremendous Energy – “Every day you don’t have it emotionally to verbalize it… It’s hard to keep that energy up every day.” – CC
  15. Emotional Leaders Will Make Public Mistakes – “You have to perfect it (your emotions).  That’s the hard part about being a leader.  You make a lot of mistakes in the public eye.” – CC
  16. How Emotional Leaders Correct Their Mistakes Is Vital To Maintaining Influence – “So how you correct that is what it’s all about in becoming a better leader.” – CC

If you are an emotional leader, what is one thing you can learn from this list to make you more effective?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.