5 Signs Of A Healthy Family

On January 21st, Dr. Gary Chapman visited Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  He preached a message entitled “5 Signs Of A Healthy Family”.  After listening to his thoughts, I felt the content was so important I wanted to share it with you.

The following are 5 Signs Of A Healthy Family:

  1. We have talked so much over the last 30 years about dysfunctional families that everyone who comes into my office they grew up in one.
  2. We are never going to change things focused on what a dysfunctional family looks like.
  3. No family was ever helped by someone getting drunk on wine.
  4. In A Healthy Family There Will Be An Attitude Of Service.
  5. Service is a way of life in a healthy family.
  6. It’s hard to reject service.
  7. In the history of this nation, not once has a wife murdered her husband while he was washing dishes.
  8. God is a serving God.
  9. There is already some level of service going on in every family.
  10. This is what the Christian life is all about… The theme of the Christian life is we’re here to serve others in the name of Jesus.
  11. If you want a one sentence summary of the life of Jesus – He went about doing good.
  12. In A Healthy Family There Will Be Intimacy Between A Husband And Wife.
  13. God’s answer to man’s aloneness is the creation of Eve.
  14. There will be intellectual intimacy.  We share with each other.  We get into each other’s hearts and minds.
  15. There is social intimacy…  What are you doing outside the house?
  16. There is spiritual intimacy…  That is one of the values of coming to church together.
  17. Not more than 15% of Christian couples pray together every day.
  18. In a healthy marriage there will be physical intimacy.  You should be holding hands.
  19. Do your kids ever see you holding hands?  Every child should see their mom and dad kissing. It means we’re in it together.
  20. In A Healthy Family The Parents Will Teach And Train The Children.
  21. Some of us are so driven we drive our kids and expect too much from them.  We exasperate our children.
  22. Don’t press a child beyond their capability.  They lose hope when we do that.
  23. In a healthy family are verbally teaching and practicing by action the things of God.
  24. The most important need a child or teenager has the need to feel loved by their parents.
  25. The question is not “Do you love your children?”  The question is “Do they feel loved?”
  26. In A Healthy Family The Husbands Will Be Loving Leaders
  27. There is so much fuzzy thinking about a husband’s leadership in the church today.
  28. We are to be The Head as Christ is The Head of the Church.  And Christ gave Himself away.
  29. A loving husband will view his wife as an equal partner.
  30. A loving husband will communicate with wife.  He will share his heart and mind with her and she will share her heart and mind with him.
  31. A loving husband will put his wife at the top of his priority list.
  32. A loving husband will love his wife unconditionally.  It’s easy to love a loving woman…  Your wife is a human and she’s not always loving and tender…  God loves us when we’re dirty, rotten sinners.
  33. A loving husband is committed to discovering and meeting his wife’s needs.
  34. How do you find out your wife’s needs?  You could just ask her.  There’s a novel idea.
  35. A loving husband will seek to model his spiritual and moral values.  He will seek to live what he believes…  The greater the gap the harder it is for the wife to respect him.
  36. You don’t have to be perfect but you do have to deal for your failures…  You need to apologize.
  37. If you speak harshly to your wife in the present of your children, you apologize to your wife and then you stand behind your wife and apologize to your children.
  38. My model is Jesus and Jesus was on His knees washing the feet of His disciples.
  39. In A Healthy Family The Children Will Obey And Honor The Parents
  40. Obedience is a healthy word.
  41. With advanced age there is advanced wisdom.
  42. The healthiest adult is the one who has a child learn how to obey and honor their parents.
  43. Rules are a necessary part of life and parents are to set the rules for children.
  44. I’m amazed at how many three-year-olds run households.
  45. How do you get a dress on a three-year-old?  You stuff her in it.
  46. How do we teach obedience?  First, we model it.  Do we obey the laws?
  47. Always obey the law whether anybody’s watching or not.
  48. We teach obedience when we let them suffer the consequences when they do wrong.
  49. For every action there are consequences.  If everybody applied that principle, there’d be less crime in this country.
  50. We teach obedience by rewarding obedience.
  51. Do you want the best possible life? Don’t do what God says not to do.  Do what God says to do.
  52. Honor is caught more than taught.  They come to honor you by seeing you honor your parents.

What from this list convicts you the most?


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.