39 Things Pastors Should Teach The Business And Civic Leaders In Their Community

NorthStar Church’s senior pastor Mike Linch is just a spectacular leader!!!  Today I had the privilege of attending an event entitled Lunch With A Leader.  This time together was birthed out of Mike’s heart.  His desire was to see some of the most influential leaders in Acworth, Ga come together once a month during their lunch hour to collectively make their city better by learning spiritual leadership principles.

With approximately 100 members of the city government, local schools, fire, police, and the business community in attendance at the church, Mike (shown above) taught this high-capacity audience what it means to practice spiritual leadership in the places of influence God has put them.

There are very few pastors in America with the relational influence that could attract 100 leaders from their community to an event and be taught leadership.  Mike is one such leader.

The following are 39 Things Pastors Should Teach The Business And Civic Leaders In Their Community I learned from Mike today:

  1. How can I be better at what I do and how can I do it the way God intended for me to do it?
  2. You are not just your role.  The “who” you are is much more important.
  3. I’m trying to be the person God created me to be in the place where He put me.
  4. David served his purpose in his generation and then he died.
  5. Saul was a king because he was a great warrior and he stood out.
  6. Saul was “the man”.  The problem is he wasn’t God’s man.
  7. In our culture we get enamored with looking the part but we forget why God put us there.
  8. God looks as much at the heart now as he ever has.
  9. You will miss the whole story of David if you miss David’s heart.
  10. Spiritual Leaders start where God starts – their heart.
  11. They have got to take care of their heart.  They have got to take care of who they are on the inside.  They have to examine their heart.
  12. David was very self-aware.  David understood he had blind spots.
  13. As a leader, leadership is about moving employees and people on to your agenda.
  14. As a spiritual leader, I have to get them on God’s agenda, not just my agenda.
  15. It is easier for me to find the flaws in others than finding the flaws in me.
  16. Even when David made mistakes, David turned quickly from his mistakes.
  17. Spiritual leaders focus where God focuses – the hearts of people.
  18. Things leaders can get caught up in – budgets, conflicts, vision.
  19. All spiritual leaders have this in common – the hearts of people.  They don’t forget it’s about the people.
  20. We may get to heaven and find out our time on earth was about one or two people.
  21. Listen.  Listening is not always easy.
  22. We all have a common purpose and we all have an individual purpose.  Our common purpose is our life was put somewhere to bless someone else.
  23. God can put anyone in your role.  Anyone can be replaced.  But why did He put you there?  He put your there for someone else.
  24. Listening doesn’t come natural but it’s something we can work at.
  25. I can’t lead spiritually if I don’t know what the needs are and I can’t find out what the needs are if I don’t listen.
  26. Problems don’t change.  They just get bigger as you get older.
  27. Jesus’s greatest miracles all happened when He was on the way somewhere else.
  28. No one loves people more than Tommy (Allegood).  That’s what he’s known for.
  29. We’ve got to walk slower.  We’ve got to pause more.
  30. Spiritual leaders chase after God’s purposes – the heart of God.  They make knowing the heart of God their quest.
  31. I must do it daily.  What makes people great is there is a pursuit of what’s most important.
  32. I can live a life of design or a life of regret.
  33. Your day isn’t going to be less busy.  If I don’t intentionally carve out time I will miss out on who I could have been.
  34. What’s the purpose you’re chasing?
  35. What if in West Cobb we had people who just didn’t get up and go to work every day?  What if you went into work wanting to know what God wanted you to do today?
  36. Dabo Swinney gets why he’s a football coach.  Mark Richt gets why he’s a football coach.
Mike then invited Acworth (Ga) Mayor Tommy Allegood to the stage for a brief conversation on leadership.  To show you what type of leader Mayor Allegood is, he has run unopposed in the last five elections. After these additional five quotes, you will understand why.
  1. Leadership is a journey.
  2. We all want to be loved.  We all want to be listened to and cared for.
  3. “Life is a journey with no destination.” – Henry Ford
  4. God blesses you and allows you to see some success.
  5. My own personal goals for leadership is to make sure I make it count every day.  I live every day with purpose, I make a difference, and I want to accomplish things no one else has ever accomplished.

I learned much today but one thing I am going to incorporate into my leadership is ask myself each morning, “What can I accomplish today no one else has ever accomplished.”  What is one thing you learned from the quotes above that you can incorporate into your own leadership?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.