Live Blog From Exponential 2018: 31 Leadership Quotes From Shawn Lovejoy’s Awesome 4 Parts Of A Leader’s Job Description

Today, I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to live blog Exponential 2018.  I could not think of the day starting out any better than attending a 4-hour workshop put on by Shawn Lovejoy and the Courage To Lead team about building healthy teams.  The greatest blessing and burden you’ll ever have in ministry … is your TEAM … or lack thereof!

Shawn and his team are just incredible leaders.  If you are looking for pastoral or staff coaching, click HERE and contact them TODAY!  You will not be disappointed.  Shawn was joined by team members Chris Bell, Blake Stanley, and Eric Metcalf.  I was blown away by their wisdom and insight.

Before getting to Shawn’s thoughts, INJOY Stewardship wants to offer you a FREE gift.  Click HERE  or on the image above to get their latest resource 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Church Fundraising.  If you need to raise capital in the next year, this resource is for you.

Now onto, 31 Leadership Quotes From Shawn Lovejoy’s Awesome 4 Parts Of A Leader’s Job Description: 

  1. “You’re not responsible for what you don’t have and you can’t do.”
  2. “Never give responsibility without authority.”
  3. “Conferences are great but limited. They can inspire but not transform.  Coaching picks up where conferences leave off.”
  4. “16 of our 19 coaches I have personally coached.”
  5. “A spiritual leader has influence and/or authority over other people.”
  6. “Don’t think of discipleship as sequential… People come from all different directions to serve God.”
  7. “Don’t be afraid to set standards on your leaders.”
  8. “#1 – Every Leader Has To Share The Vision. They have to know the vision and they have to communicate the vsion.”
  9. “If we forget why we do what we do, we’ll lose our passion.”
  10. “The worship leader is the second-most important person in the church because they’re the second-most most visible.”
  11. “#2 Encourage The Heart. My responsibility as a leader is an encourager.  I am the Chief Encouragement Officer.”
  12. “We serve people, not coffee.”
  13. “When you encourage someone be specific.”
  14. “#3 Leaders Enable Others. They build teams and raise up new leaders.”
  15. “The sooner you set into a place a culture where the platform is not needed to get volunteers, the better.”
  16. “I’ve got to be a headhunter. I’ve got to be an enabler.”
  17. “You cannot be a doer and a leader.”
  18. “We have a succession crisis in the church because the pastors have such a high bar. No one can do it better than they do.”
  19. “I told my paid staff if you want to lose your job, hold onto your job description. Give it away.”
  20. “#4 Model The Way. I’ve got to live above reproach which means without approach.”
  21. “I want you to put yourself in a position where you can’t even be accused.”
  22. “You don’t have to be guilty. You can’t be accused.”
  23. “Watch it with alcohol. Watch it with the opposite sex.  Watch it with the jokes you tell.”
  24. “You have to live a life above reproach. You have to live without accusation.”
  25. “When you become a leader you have to tithe.”
  26. “The only time we practiced church discipline was not with the followers but the leaders.”
  27. “Once a year I checked the tithing records of my staff, elders and deacons.”
  28. “Never discredit the past.”
  29. “God is showing me what got us here will not get us there.”
  30. “Our church was a place where you needed to get comfortable being uncomfortable. We love you enough not to keep you where you are.”
  31. “Leaders won’t buy-in unless they weigh-in.”

It has been an incredible morning.  I learned a lot and hope you did as well.  And once again, Shawn is just an incredible leader.

I am excited to announce my new book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is now available for pre-order.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Release date is March 13th.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.  Special pricing is available for pre-orders.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.