Live Blog From Exponential 2018: 47 Leadership Quotes From Chris Bell On Building Healthy Teams

Today, I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to live blog Exponential 2018.  I could not think of the day starting out any better than attending a 4-hour workshop put on by Shawn Lovejoy and the Courage To Lead team about building healthy teams.  The greatest blessing and burden you’ll ever have in ministry … is your TEAM … or lack thereof!

Shawn and his team are just incredible leaders.  If you are looking for pastoral or staff coaching, click HERE and contact them TODAY!  You will not be disappointed.  Shawn was joined by team members Blake Stanley, Eric Metcalf, and Chris Bell who delivered the first session.  I was blown away by their wisdom and insight.

Before getting to Chris’s thoughts, INJOY Stewardship wants to offer you a FREE gift.  Click HERE  or on the image above to get their latest resource 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Church Fundraising.  If you need to raise capital in the next year, this resource is for you.

Now onto, 47 Leadership Quotes From Chris Bell On Building Healthy Teams:

  1. “We want work getting done and work is messy.”
  2. “If you never run into the devil you’re running in the same direction.”
  3. “Give your teams permission to fail.”
  4. “We want you to fail. Just don’t fail at the same thing multiple times.”
  5. “Step 1 is discipling your team is ‘I do it.’” This needs to be a brief time in your leadership.
  6. “Most leaders get stuck in ‘I do it’ because I have complete control in the outcome.”
  7. “The next level is ‘I do it and you are with me.’”
  8. “The number one reason people don’t go here is insecurity.”
  9. “Don’t let your pursuit of excellence kill your desire to develop leaders.”
  10. “Step 3 is ‘You do it and I am with you.’ That is coaching.”
  11. “Step 4 is ‘You do it’ and that is empowerment.”
  12. “Leaders will leave your organization and find somewhere where they can be empowered.”
  13. “Step 5 is leading people who do everything. This is reproduction.  This is where I multiply myself.”
  14. “You want to shift from being a doer to be a leader of doers.”
  15. “One thing that will kill you is busyness.”
  16. “You cannot do everything. Your church cannot do everything.”
  17. “Ideas – there’s bad, there’s good, there’s better, there’s great.”
  18. “Every time someone comes with something good that’s not part of your vision is an opportunity to get people online with your vision.”
  19. “The more good you do, the less better you do.”
  20. “You want to live in better and great. You don’t want to live in good and bad.”
  21. “50 pot lucks is not 50 times better than 1. It is eating away at your resources.”
  22. “I think we allow teams to blame the church for lack of discipline and time management.” – on burnout
  23. “When we’re at work, we’re at work.”
  24. “Don’t waste time. Time’s valuable.”
  25. “Be present in whatever environment you’re in.”
  26. “The only sacred at 3 Circle Church is the bible, Jesus.”
  27. “How do we evaluate? Does it still work?..  This does not mean did you get a big crowd.  It means is it pushing forward towards the mission and vision of the church.”
  28. “If it supports the vision – great. Neutral events are permissible but should happen rarely.  If it’s taken away from the vision, then you need to kill it.  Grill the cow.”
  29. “We don’t do any big events on Easter. Why?  Because Easter is the big event.”
  30. “Even your city is doing egg hunts and they don’t even love Jesus.”
  31. “We do an event the week after Easter. This is another hook in the water to get them to come back after Easter.”
  32. “Delegate authority not just tasks.”
  33. “Here’s some things that take no talent your team can do – They can be on time. Perpetual lack of punctuality is show of disrespect to you and your team.
  34. “It takes zero talent to develop work ethic.”
  35. “Work ethic is working on what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how it needs to be done.”
  36. “Delayed obedience is not obedience.”
  37. “You’ve got talented people who are winging everything. Talent is hiding everything.  It will keep their jobs but not grow your church.”
  38. “Effort takes zero talent.”
  39. “Body language takes zero talent. Non-verbal communication is a big deal.”
  40. “Attitude takes zero talent… Let’s be happy we’re here and be happy about what God’s doing.”
  41. “Energy takes no talent.”
  42. “If someone is invited to a table of leadership that is an honor. ”
  43. “Passion takes zero talent. They get the vision.  They’re behind this.”
  44. “Being teachable and coachable takes zero talent. The number one way to teach your team this is to model it.”
  45. “This takes zero talent to do more than is expected of you. You don’t want clock punchers.”
  46. “I want people who will go the extra mile.”
  47. “It takes zero talent to be prepared.”

What a way to start the day.  Keep checking back for more content.

I am excited to announce my new book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is now available for pre-order.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Release date is March 13th.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.  Special pricing is available for pre-orders.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.