Live Blog From Exponential 2018: 28 Leadership Quotes From Andy Stanley And Albert Tate

Yesterday, I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to live blog Exponential 2018.  The afternoon’s first session was from a leader who needs no introduction – North Point Community Church’s Andy Stanley.

Andy’s session was about not focusing on being a hero, but a hero-maker.

Before getting to Andy’s thoughts, INJOY Stewardship wants to offer you a FREE gift.  Click HERE  or on the image above to get their latest resource 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Church Fundraising.  If you need to raise capital in the next year, this resource is for you.

Now onto, 22 Leadership Quotes From Andy Stanley with additional comments from Dave Ferguson and Albert Tate: 

Dave Ferguson

  1. “83% of pastors in the 20’s and 30’s say planting churches is part of their mission and vision.”
  2. “Jesus was a hero-maker.”
  3. “My fruit grows on other people’s trees.”

Albert Tate – Lead Pastor Fellowship Morovia

  1. “You’ve got to learn to think differently.”
  2. “The trophy doesn’t go to the one who plants a church. The trophy goes to one who plants a church who plants a church who plants a church.  There is a greater thing.”
  3. “If I’m going to be a leader who sees the wind in other people’s trees I have to repent over the arrogance of wanting to be the hero myself.”
  4. “You can spend 20 years in ministry doing a good thing and not done the better thing and missed the best thing God had for you.”
  5. “Some invitations land on my flesh and not on my heart.”
  6. “Are you living for your resume or are you living for your eulogy? Your eulogy is your legacy.”

Video Testimony

  1. A hero does not start out as a hero.  The arch of the story dictates the hero did not begin that way.
  2. You can’t have a hero-journey without a hero-maker.
  3. The lone wolf hero gets tired and burnt out and eventually lose the people they wanted to save.  They crash every time and forget what they were fighting for.
  4. Pastors should want to be Alfred, not Batman.
  5. All the things that grab us are the things that will destroy us if God is not in it.
  6. Many villians started out as good guys.
  7. It’s more heroic to be a hero maker than a hero.

Andy Stanley

  1. “Do you really want to put the generation coming behind of you ahead of you?”
  2. “It is safer and potentially more financial profitable for you if you don’t. Becoming a hero-maker will cost you.”
  3. “When you decide to shine the spotlight on other people you lose control.”
  4. “Very few of us have ever seen this done well. It’s not like we’re following some lead.”
  5. “If you were better than the lead pastor they just called you rebellious.”
  6. “If you live for yourself, lead for yourself, in the end you will have nothing to show for yourself but yourself.”
  7. “The value of a life is always measured by how much of it was given away.”
  8. “It is not intuitive away to give your life, your leadership, and your opportunities away.”
  9. “If you don’t, your impact will be no bigger than you.”
  10. “When you think about the strange pastors, you know they are not multipliers. If you are not multiplying, you are like a blockage in your bowel system.”
  11. “All strange people hang around together. That’s why they don’t know they’re strange.”
  12. “If you’re not a hero-making, you may not pay professionally. You may pay personally…  Your children will become confronted with your fear.  And your children will know you are strange.”
  13. “Not so with you.”
  14. “When you think of great leaders, you don’t think about what they accomplished. You think about what they accomplished for you.”
  15. “If you replace yourself you will always have a place.”
  16. “I’m here to facilitate your success regardless of where our names appear on an org chart.”
  17. “The person with the most resources has the most opportunities to do things for the most people.”
  18. “If everybody’s essential, everybody’s essential.”
  19. “Ask the people in your organization this question, ‘What can I do to help?’”
  20. “There’s hardly anything uglier than a detached body part.”
  21. “My Savior got very, very, very small when He got under my sin.”
  22. “Next time you think you’re a big shot, just wash more feet.”

What an amazing session!

I am excited to announce my new book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is now available for pre-order.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Release date is March 13th.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.  Special pricing is

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.