77 Leadership Lessons About The Person Of Jesus Christ

My favorite Bible teacher is Dr. Crawford Loritts, the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church of Roswell, GA.  One of the great joys of my life and a time of significant personal growth was when I had the privilege of joining him on Fellowship’s elder board for five years.

Last week, he started a sermon series preaching through the Book of John.  You can see the series as it unfolds by clicking HERE.  This book is foundational to our faith and the Christian life and Crawford’s messages are not to be missed.

The following are 77 Leadership Lessons From The Life Of Jesus I captured Crawford’s message on John 1:

  1. The word “believe” is mentioned 99 times in this gospel.
  2. You cannot be neutral about Jesus.  Neutrality is not on the table.
  3. Jesus always existed.
  4. Jesus is often rejected.
  5. Jesus cannot be denied.
  6. I love the way John writes because they are not indirect statements.
  7. He is God. v. 1-2
  8. Anybody who ever makes the assertion that Jesus never claimed to be God never read the Book of John.  In fact, they’ve never read the first two verses.
  9. Jesus says, “If you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father.”
  10. Jesus is the visible statement of God for all of eternity, but particularly for human history.
  11. We’re to major on who He is.
  12. Jesus did not become Jesus when he was born.  He has always been Jesus.
  13. Jesus was and is God.
  14. Miracles are an expression of His deity.
  15. He is omnipotent.  He is omniscient.  He is omnipresent.  He is never-changing.  He is full of grace.  He is holy.
  16. He is creator.  v.3
  17. Jesus is the agent of creation.
  18. Jesus’s work at revealing the Father did not begin at the incarnation.  It began in creation.
  19. Jesus’s whole role in the Trinity is to reveal the plans and purposes of God for all of mankind.
  20. We have too much of a “pal or buddy” concept of Jesus…  He is everlasting God.
  21. He, Himself, is life. v.4-5
  22. John puts life and light together.  This means He is the source of our spiritual and physical life.
  23. Jesus Christ is the source of our created life.  He holds everything together.  We need a bigger picture of who Jesus is…  Do you know what that implies?  Do you know who you are dealing with?
  24. Light will invade the darkness.  Jesus came crashing into reality.  His light wants to invade the darkness in our own hearts.
  25. Satan will not be able to frustrate Jesus’s power.  Satan will not ultimately win.
  26. God has spoken through His son Jesus and there is no other word.
  27. Jesus’s word will prevail in spite of opposition.
  28. Ultimately, our Lord is going to be gloriously victorious.
  29. No one kill Him or extinguish the light that He shines.
  30. Jesus is not always recognized.  v. 9-10
  31. V. 9 refers to the incarnation.
  32. The light that shines on each person will shine either in salvation or the realization of sin and judgment.
  33. You cannot deny that Light has come into the world.  You have to deal with it.
  34. We become followers of Christ because we’re convicted of sin and we acknowledge who He is.
  35. This is not a passive blindness.  It is an active rejection of Christ because of sin.
  36. My choosing not to believe contributes to my blindness.
  37. It is in that choice Satan participates and adds to our blindness.
  38. Christian parents, don’t dare make the assumption your child will respond to Christ because you did daily devotions, put them in a Christian school, and gave them a biblical worldview.  What you need to pay attention to is not the content they are immersed in but their will to believe.
  39. Opposition to Jesus is not new.  I don’t know why we get so upset in this country when unbelievers come after Christians.  Have you forgotten your history?  It’s part of the enemy’s plan.  It’s part of his plan.
  40. V. 11 is perhaps the saddest verse in the Bible.
  41. All the prophecies, He fulfilled them.  He was the embodiment of them.
  42. The people saw His works and heard His words and still rejected Him.
  43. Let’s not get too hard on them.  We see today His works and hear His words and still reject Him.
  44. Jesus comes to us in His power and in His glory telling us who He is and we walk right out that door.
  45. Millions of people around this world do this every single day.
  46. Unbelief is not universal.  He is received in v. 12-13.
  47. Belief is not intellectual acknowledgement.  It is the welcoming and embracing of Jesus.
  48. We become His children by accepting the gift of new birth.
  49. The one who causes new life is not us.  God is the author of life.  Jesus is the author of life.
  50. You don’t give new life to yourself.  You were dead in your trespasses and sin.
  51. A person who becomes a follower of Jesus Christ does not just simply mean they embrace another philosophy or learn a few motivational statements to help live a better life.  No, a person who becomes a follower of Jesus is made new.
  52. Jesus does not come into our lives to make us better.  He comes in our life to transform us.
  53. You can’t deny Jesus.  You can’t do it.  He has not given us that option.  You have to respond to Jesus.  Every person who has ever lived has had to respond to Jesus.  It’s either “Yes” or “No”.
  54. v. 14.  Jesus literally lived among us.
  55. Humanity was added to His deity.  Deity was not added to His humanity.
  56. Jesus did not become God.  He was born God.
  57. v. 14 John witnessed personally His power and glory.
  58. He saw Jesus do the miracles.
  59. Jesus was not only gracious and truthful.  JESUS IS FULL OF ALL GRACE.  JESUS IS FULL OF ALL TRUTH.
  60. The primary attributes God demonstrated was grace and truth.  Ultimate grace and truth is a person – Jesus Christ.
  61. I don’t have the attributes of God and at my best am inconsistent.  Jesus is always truth.
  62. The devotion of love is the tension between grace and truth.
  63. v. 16 John experienced Him.
  64. We’ve been lavished in grace.  It’s an endless supply.
  65. v.17-18 Therefore, we are convinced.
  66. Jesus says repeatedly throughout John, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”  Why, Jesus is God’s last word.  He is the Word that became flesh.  Jesus is His expression to the world.  Jesus is the nature of God displayed to the world.
  67. We need to place our faith in Him, believe Him, believe Jesus.
  68. It is amazing how our confidence and faith get weakened.  We need to believe Jesus.
  69. He can change your life and forgive your sins.  He can give you a new life.
  70. Do not resist Him.  Resistance comes with accommodation.  That accommodation can lead to blindness.
  71. We need to live confidently for Him and for His glory.
  72. John lived for these things.  He died for these things.
  73. Our biggest threat is embracing a pampered Gospel that is not longer passionate of our Savior and is willing to give up everything.
  74. These statements (from John) should compel us to share Jesus boldly.
  75. The Word has become flesh.  Jesus is here today.
  76. Evangelistic passion leaks and dissipates the longer we walk with Christ.  We no longer are enthralled by the hope of the Lord Jesus.
  77. He has changed your life and my life forever.  That message needs to be shared and shouted boldly from the rooftops.

You cannot be neutral about Jesus.  What is one decision you are making today because of the statements above?


Click HERE or on the image to the left and as a free gift for subscribing to this site, you can receive my new Ebook 1269 Leadership Quotes: Timeless Truths From 2016’s Top Christian Leadership Conferences.  Featured are the Johnny Hunt Mens Conference, ReThink Leadership, Orange and Leadercast Conferences among others.  If applied, these insights will make you an exponentially better leader.  Enjoy!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.