Live Blog 2018 ReThink Leadership – 39 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Dan Reiland On Coaching Young Leaders

The next three days are three of my favorite days of the year!  INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched to attend the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This event contains the most relevant church leadership content I annually receive.  It’s just an amazing conference!!

The morning’s first breakout speaker was Dan Reiland.  Dan is the incomparable executive pastor of 12Stone Church.  He is one of the most influential thought leaders in Christianity and an invaluable resource to leaders everywhere.  Dan is just a brilliant leader!  His blog is a must-read.  He is a dear friend and someone I admire greatly.

Before getting to ‘s thoughts, the team at INJOY Stewardship wanted you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image below to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.  Some resources need no explanation!

The following are 39 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Dan Reiland’s thoughts on coaching young leaders on how to earn a seat at the table:

  1. “Someone took a chance on me. A long, long time ago was John Maxwell asked me to be his first intern.”
  2. “I was very blessed to be developed and in time invited to the table. But I had to earn that spot at the table.”
  3. “Young leaders, they are the future. Some of us are not the future.  We can give wisdom and insight.”
  4. “We need to pass the baton but do it in a way that makes sense.”
  5. “I have never met a young leader who didn’t want to rise and have a seat at the table.”
  6. “It’s normal and natural for a young leader to want to rise and gain a seat at the table.”
  7. “Seat at the table – They have a voice.”
  8. “Seat at the table – They carry the weight of responsibility. What pressure do they carry?”
  9. “Speed and pressure are the great separators for everything in leadership.”
  10. “The larger the organization you get the more you have time compression.”
  11. “Seat at the table – They make or influence decisions.”
  12. “Is it seat at THE table or A table?”
  13. “If you make it a structure-bound seat at a literal table, you will run out of seats.”
  14. “It’s not wise to determine who is at the table by who might get their feelings hurt.”
  15. “Not everyone can be in every meeting every time.”
  16. “The people around the table is determined by the agenda.”
  17. “When you make it about being heard, opportunity, and influence, there are no limits to number of seats around the table.”
  18. “Your staff and church culture must be ready to trust the next generation.”
  19. “You need to be willing to empower and make room at the table.”
  20. “Don’t worry about giving your job away because your job never goes away.”
  21. “We want to see productivity and joy on our staff.”
  22. “The two words ‘Fruit’ and ‘Joy’ always produce a great conversation. This is because you need both to go the distance in ministry.”
  23. “It’s not smart to have a bunch of 40, 50, 60 yrs old making all the decisions about LGBTQ without having young leaders in the room…Don’t assume you all think the same.”
  24. “Twenty-somethings have the same theological views but are much more tolerant.”
  25. “You can have anything you want. You just can’t have everything you want.  It requires disciplined thinking and prioritized management.”
  26. “You can’t be disrespectful and be at the table.”
  27. “There is a big difference between competence and attitude. Competence is skill-based and you need time to grow.  Attitude is a decision.”
  28. “Communicate expectations.”
  29. “We look for five things in a young leader – competence (they’re good at something), capacity, energy, intelligence (will you think, leaders think), and relationally savvy (self-aware, secure, the ability to connect). When packaged together, there’s a hunger.  We can do more with a B+ leader who is hungry than an A+ leader who isn’t.”
  30. “Every time you hire a new person, you change your culture by two degrees.”
  31. “If they are struggling I set the agenda. If they are doing well they set the agenda when meeting with me.”
  32. “We boil down coaching to two words – Pay Attention.”
  33. “Everybody wants to be successful but it’s hard to put the drive in.”
  34. “Leader visionaries see things first. People visionaries see what’s in you first.”

5 Practices to coach young leaders how to earn a seat at the table:

  1. “Give them personal challenges. This helps them develop and demonstrate their competence. You have to coach young leaders to build a ministry, not just run one.  Get good at what you’re chosen for and not the job you want.  When a young leader rises up, they always get noticed.  It’s OK to make mistakes.”
  2. “Give them stretch assignments. The purpose of stretch assignment increases their capacity. Competence is about being good at something.  Capacity is about carrying more things.  They need to be big enough for the young leader to not know if they could do it… People are not looking for perfection in young leaders.  They are looking for progress.”
  3. “Give them specific feedback. Coach them on their future, not just the needs of your church.”
  4. “Give them sincere encouragement. Young leaders rise to our level of belief in them. Ask about their personal life. Connect with them.  You change the relationship when you hang out and play with staff.  The walls come down and trust goes up.”
  5. “Give them opportunity for input. The purpose is to stretch their thinking.  Let them in on conversations beyond their experience but you gain their perspective from their generation.”

What an incredible morning!  Dan was amazing!  Keep checking back in the afternoon for more amazing content.

Once again, the team at INJOY Stewardship wants you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.