Live Blog 2018 ReThink Leadership – 42 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jon Acuff And Carey Nieuwhof Opening Session

The next three days are three of my favorite days of the year!  INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched to attend the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This event contains the most relevant church leadership content I annually receive.  It’s just an amazing conference!!

As is its custom, the event opened with Carey Nieuwhof and Jon Acuff.  Carey is the Lead Pastor of Connexus Church–a growing multi-campus church north of Toronto and strategic partner of North Point Ministries.  Prior to starting Connexus, Carey served for 12 years in a mainline church, transitioning three small congregations into a single, rapidly-growing church. He writes one of the most widely read Christian leadership blogs today at and hosts the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast.

Before getting to their thoughts, the team at INJOY Stewardship wanted you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image below to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.  Some resources need no explanation!

The following are 42 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jon Acuff and Carey Nieuwhof’s off-the-charts opening session on momentum:

Jon Acuff

  1. “Leadership is isolating.”
  2. “There are two events at every conference – the one on the stage and the one in the hallways.”
  3. “An event fast-forwards relationships.”
  4. “In a lot of corporations there is a breakdown between the sales team and the service team. The sales team actually gets the first sale and the service team gets the second and third sales.”
  5. “Momentum never happens without people… It comes down to how well we serve the people in our community.”
  6. “Most times leaders start with the question – ‘What are we good at?’ This immediately separates us from the people and what they need.”
  7. “The first question to ask is ‘What do they really need?’ This makes people visible and valuable.”
  8. “The second question is ‘What do we have to fix that need?’ This question requires humility because you may find you don’t have the things you need.”
  9. “When you get hard feedback, the people you serve already know the problem.”
  10. “If we started this church today knowing what we know?  What would we do different?”
  11. “What’s the story people tell about us? That’s the brand we build.”
  12. “I’ve lived long enough to see uncool churches become cool and the cool churches become uncool.”
  13. “I dare you to be in relationship with someone 10 years ahead of you and 10 years behind you.”
  14. “How do we close the gap (what they need and what we have)?”
  15. “Small things still matter.”
  16. “Sometimes we over-program and it’s the little things we remember.”
  17. “People will make or break a ministry.”
  18. “People come to your church despite how bad your parking is.”
  19. “99% of the sermon happens outside the sermon.” – Bob Goff
  20. “Leadership – it isn’t about us. It’s about them.”

Carey Nieuwhof

  1. “When content is portable connections are important.” – Carey to me personally before the event.  I learn so much from this man.
  2. “We can do a lot more together when we have one voice.”
  3. “Every day organizations gain and lose momentum.”
  4. “What helped Apple gain momentum is they actually really like people.”
  5. “The problem with incremental thinking is that is doesn’t produce exponential momentum.”
  6. “The church in the Western World does not have momentum.”
  7. “Incremental thinking and change produces incremental results.”
  8. “What sparks momentum?”
  9. “Agility… The bigger you get the less agility you have – the ability to move, the ability to change direction.”
  10. “Agility beats velocity.”
  11. “The bigger you are and the more complicated your ministry is the less agile it becomes.”
  12. “You just have to be right quicker and be willing to experiment. How can you be wrong but then be right quicker?”
  13. “Find Mass Multipliers. Conservatism fears loss.”
  14. “Innovation is fascinated by gain.”
  15. “Do you fear loss or are fascinated by gain?”
  16. “Success, by nature, makes you conservative. You have nothing to lose when you only have six people.”
  17. “The greatest enemy of your future success is your current success.”
  18. “Don’t worry about losing. Focus on the magnitude of your rightness when you win.” (paraphrased)
  19. “What could go spectacularly right?”
  20. “Why do still operate under set-time viewing principles? Churches still have set attendance times.”
  21. “Are we a physical location with a digital presence or are we physical presence with a digital location?”
  22. “What could spark a 100x principle?”

What an incredible way to start the day!  Information will be coming fast and furious.

Once again, the team at INJOY Stewardship wants you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.