Live Blog 2018 Orange Conference – 41 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Andy Stanley And Doug Fields

Today is the second day of my favorite conference of the year!  INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched to attend the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This event contains the most relevant church leadership content I annually receive.  It’s just an amazing conference!!

The morning’s first speaker was Andy Stanley.  A communicator, author, and pastor, Andy founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries in 1995. Today, NPM is comprised of six churches in the Atlanta area and a network 30 churches around the globe, collectively serving nearly 70,000 people weekly.  Let’s be honest.  Andy does not need an introduction!

Before getting to his thoughts, the team at INJOY Stewardship wanted you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image below to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.  Some resources need no explanation!

The following are 41 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Andy Stanley with additional quotes from Doug Fields on oneness and togetherness:

Doug Fields

  1. “You may have the spiritual gift of teaching but you often wonder if your congregation has the spiritual gift of listening.”
  2. “When I talk to leaders many of them feel lonely.”
  3. “When I go to dark and lonely places I forgot that ‘we’ is greater than ‘I’.”
  4. “There are no statues being built in your honor (for self-reliance). Great leaders do not do it alone.”
  5. “If you are leading in a self-reliant way or its about you, you won’t get to better places.”
  6. “Healthy discipleship requires that leaders play together.”
  7. “When we work closer together, there’s a greater chance of discipleship.”
  8. “What makes you a team is when you rely on one another.”
  9. “You transform your church culture by relying on one another.”

Danielle Strickland – “If sex traffickers can target young girls for sexual exploitation, why can’t the church target young girls for redemption.”

Jim Mellado – To do things well together you must start doing things together.  When you work in isolation you don’t get good at doing things together.

Andy Stanley

  1. “You’re the most important group in the world to talk because what’s the faith of the next generation worth – everything.There’s nobody more important than you.”
  2. “You don’t have to go to church to hear preaching.It’s on-demand.”
  3. “Family ministries is the only reason people need to go to church.”
  4. “When you lead as team with one voice what matters most matters more.” – Reggie Joiner
  5. “Once upon a time one won.”
  6. “There was once a time one version and one vision of this Christian faith won.”
  7. “When we function as one, the world changed once because of that with a lot fewer people.”
  8. “One – Jesus modeled it.”
  9. “People who were nothing like Jesus liked Jesus and He liked them back.”
  10. “The only thing we have in common is Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”
  11. “One – Jesus prayed for it.”
  12. “What Jesus prays we know is important.”
  13. “The things you pray most about are the things that are most important to you.”
  14. “This is mission critical. If they (the church) are not one we will not win.”
  15. “Unity is mission critical. Disunity disrupts mission.”
  16. “There is something more important than being theologically correct.  It is oneness.  It is not theologically correctness.  When we get to Heaven we will all learn we wrong about something.”
  17. “The goal isn’t to be right about everything.The goal is to be one.”
  18. “One – Jesus branded it… There is something that marks you in terms of your behavior.”
  19. “No one can see our theological correctness.They can only see how we treat one another.”
  20. “Imagine a world where people are skeptical if they were envious of how we treated one another.”
  21. “One – The early church fought for it.”
  22. “There’s some people in this room that if you spent the rest of the day with them you would be uncomfortable.”
  23. “Acts 15 is the most-overlooked and under-appreciated passage in the New Testament.”
  24. “It has nothing to do with law-keeping. It has to do with peacekeeping.”
  25. “They made cultural concessions for the sake of unity.”
  26. “Oneness was more important than the text they had grown up on.”
  27. “One – the early church fought for it.  Will we?”
  28. “Are you a republican or democrat first or a Christian first? Are you more worried about who’s in office rather than who’s in Heaven?”
  29. “One is an invitation to accept what we all have in common?”
  30. “What are we arguing about? What is most important is what we all have in common – Jesus Christ is the Christ and Son of the Living God.”

The One Another List

  • Forgive one another.
  • Accept one another.
  • Care for one another.
  • Encourage one another.
  • Submit to one another.
  • Restore one another.
  • Carry one another’s burden.
  • Bear with one another.

This is an informative way to start the day!  Now back to the ReThink Conference for the remainder of the day!

Once again, the team at INJOY Stewardship wants you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.