Live Blog 2018 ReThink Leadership – 23 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jimmy Mellado And Danielle Strickland

Today is the second day of my favorite conferences of the year!  INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched to attend the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This event contains the most relevant church leadership content I annually receive.  It’s just an amazing conference!!

The morning’s final speakers were Jimmy Mellado and Danielle Strickland.  Jimmy is Compassion International’s President and CEO. He has a deep love for the potential of local churches fulfilling their Jesus-given mandate to redeem and restore this world for His name’s sake.  Danielle has sought to cultivate authentic Christian community in deprived neighborhoods on the way to loving the last and the lost and the least into God’s Kingdom. God is using her to help equip followers of Jesus in discipleship, holiness, justice, and evangelism by teaching, preaching, and writing.

Before getting to their thoughts, the team at INJOY Stewardship wanted you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image below to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.  Some resources need no explanation!

The following are 23 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Jimmy Mellado and Danielle Strickland:

Jimmy Mellado

  1. “We look for three things in leaders – Christ-centeredness, High Talent, Be A Child Advocate.”
  2. “If there is a hint of arrogance in the interview, it’s over.”
  3. “With Christ-centeredness, there’s integrity.”
  4. “People know the most significant thing they do for the Kingdom of Christ through Compassion, it’s not about what you’re doing.It’s what you’re becoming in Christ while at Compassion.”
  5. “Doing for Christ flows out of being in Christ.”
  6. “You can start value performance more than you should, then you start to cut corners.”
  7. “Talent – you’ve got to bring something to the table.We actually have a mission.  You have to make a contribution to that mission.”
  8. “We want everyone to have a heart that breaks for a child in poverty. We don’t want to be professionals at this.”
  9. “Everyone of our name badges says ‘Child Advocate.’That’s what we’re here for.”
  10. “We’re a spiritual organism that’s a servant to the church.”
  11. “I want to go through the firing process without destroying the relationship.”
  12. “Severance is a powerful level in the hands of a good manager to do things well. I hate hearing about churches who let people go with two weeks severance.”
  13. “Churches are skimpy on severance. Don’t do that to people.”
  14. “We are going to be partners with the local church.The church is not a channel.  The church is the Bride of Christ.  We will be super-partners with churches in the poorest communities in the world to help children in poverty in Jesus’s name.”
  15. “90% of society are looking to pastors for the next steps to address poverty.”

Danielle Strickland

  1. “What kind of leader do you want to be?”
  2. “The power posture in Scripture is a descending posture.”
  3. “To say ‘Yes’ to God we have to say ‘No’ to pharaoh. We are trying to find a way to say ‘Yes’ to both.”
  4. “The ways of Jesus are in direct opposition to prevailing culture.”
  5. “Embrace conflict as well as connection.”
  6. “God uses confusion and disruption as an agent of change.”
  7. “Experimenting your way forward.”
  8. “Embrace the uncomfortable move of humility.”

Keep checking back this afternoon.  More information to come!

Once again, the team at INJOY Stewardship wants you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image to the left to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.