Live Blog 2018 Orange Conference – 14 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Roundtable Discussion Between Reggie Joiner, Lee Jenkins And Others

Today is the final day of my favorite conference of the year!  INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched to attend the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA.  This event contains the most relevant church leadership content I annually receive.  It’s just an amazing conference!!

The afternoon’s first session was a roundtable discussion between Reggie Joiner, Lee Jenkins and others on the subject of racial reconciliation.  This time together was moving and incredibly impactful.

Before getting to their thoughts, the team at INJOY Stewardship wanted you to have a FREE resource.  Click HERE or on the image below to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.  Some resources need no explanation!

The following are 14 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From A Roundtable Discussion Between Reggie Joiner, Lee Jenkins, And Others:

  1. “If we don’t confront something we can never cure it.” – Lee Jenkins
  2. “The asterick in America is how we deal with race.We just haven’t done a good job with it.” – LJ
  3. “The church has been scared to touch this area.We should model racial unity around the world.” – LJ
  4. “You must be humble enough to be wrong.” – LJ
  5. “On Earth every tribe, nation, and tongue are not valued.” – Dr. Virginia Ward
  6. “As a minority, you have to learn how to assimilate.” – LJ
  7. “The majority culture does not have to assimilate… The problem becomes you begin to think your way of thinking is the only perspective.” – LJ
  8. “Humbling means I’m going to put myself in the posture of a learner.” – LJ
  9. “All of my white friends don’t see there is a problem. As a minority, we live out of our past… I am living in the result of my history and so do you.” – Sam Collier
  10. “When you accept us as a friend and person you have to experience our pain too.” – LJ
  11. “The black choice gave me a voice… There I was young, gifted and black.” – VW
  12. “This can’t be won on social media. This is won on relationships.” – Reggie Joiner
  13. “Listen to each other. Believe us.” – LJ
  14. “Befriend us. Establish relationships.  You will start to gain compassion.  You care about people you know.  Stand up for us.  You’re not standing up for us.  You’re standing up for righteousness.” – LJ

Just incredible!  The final session with Louie Giglio comes next!

Once again, the team at INJOY Stewardship wants you to have a FREE resource.  Click HEREor on the image to the left to download your copy of The Millennial Handbook: 16 Ways To Engage Millennials On Stewardship.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.