Live Blog Leadercast Live 2018: 25 Leadership Quotes From Joe Torre

Today, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to live blog Leadercast Live 2018.  Leadercast Live is the largest, one-day leadership event on the planet, with more than 100,000 current visionaries and future world-changers attending each year.

Before getting to the content, the team at INJOY Stewardship want to invest in your leadership.  Click HERE to receive a FREE ebook for church leaders entitled “Stop The Summer Giving Slump.”   This is an invaluable resource which will help you during one of the most challenging times of the year for resourcing your mission and vision.

The event’s final speaker was the legendary Joe Torre.  Coach Joe was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY on July 27, 2014 and the New York Yankees retired his Number 6 at a ceremony at Yankee Stadium the following month. He is currently the Chief Baseball Officer for Major League Baseball. He was serving as Executive Vice President for Baseball Operations since February 2011. In this capacity, he oversees areas that include Major League Operations, On-Field Operations, On-Field Discipline and Umpiring. He serves as the Office of the Commissioner’s primary liaison to the general managers and field managers of the 30 Major League Clubs regarding all baseball and on-field matters. SinceDecember 2009, he has served on the Commissioner’s Special Committee for On-Field Matters.

The following are 25 Leadership Quotes from his fantastic session:

  1. I was born into a family of baseball fans… We were a baseball family.
  2. When I first started playing baseball I had a lot of growing up to do.
  3. When you get traded you learn someone doesn’t want you but someone else does.
  4. Someone recognized something in me (in St. Louis) I didn’t recognize in myself.
  5. When you reach a crossroads, they (Bob Gibson and Tim McCarver) only talked about how you can accomplish something.
  6. As a manager, never forget what you learned as a player.
  7. In being loyal to everyone of players, I was loyal to the 25 (team) first.
  8. I hate to do negative things but sometimes you have to to get a point across.
  9. I’m responsible for 25 players. I believe in teamwork.  I believe in unselfishness.  If you want to accomplish anything in life you’re going to need someone to help you.
  10. To be a leader, you’ve got to be a good listener.
  11. It took me over 4,000 games to get my ring.
  12. We have nine players on the field and 25 players on the team, I told my players at some point during this season you’re going to have a chance to do something important.
  13. Selfishness in any sport is going to get in the way of being successful.
  14. They (his 4-time champion Yankees) never stopped to admire what they accomplished. As soon as you start patting yourself on the back, you stopped doing.  You still have more to do.
  15. You want somebody who’s going to come to work every day.
  16. I’m going to judge each and every one of you on your effort. Show up on time and give your best effort.
  17. The only thing Derek Jeter wanted to do was win.
  18. My success comes from how I affect other people.
  19. Part of being successful is being patient. It’s not going to happen overnight.
  20. It’s all about people.
  21. It was important to me to earn the trust of a player. You’re honest.
  22. When I had bad news to deliver to a player, I did it, not one of my coaches.
  23. It’s important to explain why you do certain things.
  24. You can’t treat everybody the same. You’ve got to treat everybody fairly though.
  25. When I earn trust, I get commitment.

This was a great session!  It has been an incredible day.  Check next for a compilation post.

Once again, to receive your complimentary copy of “Stop The Summer Giving Slump”, click HERE  or on the image provided.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.