Live Blog Leadercast Live 2018: 31 Leadership Quotes From Andy Stanley

Today, INJOY Stewardship Solutions has dispatched me to live blog Leadercast Live 2018.  Leadercast Live is the largest, one-day leadership event on the planet, with more than 100,000 current visionaries and future world-changers attending each year.

Before getting to the content, the team at INJOY Stewardship want to invest in your leadership.  Click HERE to receive a FREE ebook for church leaders entitled “Stop The Summer Giving Slump.”   This is an invaluable resource which will help you during one of the most challenging times of the year for resourcing your mission and vision.

The morning’s opening speaker was Andy Stanley.  Andy needs no introduction but just in case, Andy is considered one of the most influential speakers in America. He is the author of 20-plus books, including Deep & Wide; When Work & Family Collide; Visioneering; and Next Generation Leader.In the digital world, his success reaches well beyond the Atlanta area. Each month, nearly 1.5 million of his messages, leadership videos, and podcasts are accessed from North Point’s website.

The following are 31 Leadership Quotes from his informative session on self-leadership:

  1. I have participated in every bad decision I have ever made.
  2. You have participated in every bad decision you have ever made.
  3. You were the mastermind behind your greatest regret.
  4. We face our greatest challenge every day when we look in the mirror.
  5. You will not be a leader worth following if you don’t lead yourself well.
  6. Leaders who are worth following are people who have mastered self-leadership.
  7. Exception self-leadership is the key to sustained influence.
  8. None of us open ourselves to leaders we don’t respect.
  9. Exceptional self-leadership is the key to sustained performance.
  10. Great leaders last because they lead themselves first.
  11. I will not lie to myself even when the truth makes me feel bad about myself.
  12. What’s worse than feeling bad about yourself is not doing something that’s bad about yourself.
  13. The easiest person for me to deceive is the person in the mirror.
  14. You are a sucker for you.
  15. You can’t lead yourself well as long as you’re lying yourself. You can’t lead a liar.  We fire a liar.
  16. I will prioritize what I value most over what I want now.
  17. Exceptional self-leaders lead themselves to what they value most, not what they want now.
  18. You are going to want dessert but you value health.  Opt for ultimate over immediate.
  19. Most people never discover what they value most until it’s too late and out of reach.
  20. What do I want said about me in the end?
  21. I will not attempt to lead myself by myself.
  22. You can’t lead yourself by yourself.
  23. Your greatest regrets were with friends. You were with people who supported your decisions.
  24. Our friends determine the direction and quality of our life.
  25. You don’t simply need friends with common interest.You need to find friends who share common values.  Self-leadership is value-driven.
  26. The values a person embraces determines the direction of their life.
  27. You may need to disconnect from a friend or two.Ultimate can be threatening to people who opt for immediate.
  28. Everybody ends up somewhere in life.
  29. Direction, not intention, determines destination.
  30. There is only one person who can determine where you end up on person, the person in the mirror.
  31. The person in the mirror is counting on you.  There are also smaller faces in smaller mirrors counting on us.

This was a great session!  Next up is Jim Loehr.

Once again, to receive your complimentary copy of “Stop The Summer Giving Slump”, click HERE  or on the image provided.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.