“I’ve never been closer to God.  I just have real problems with the church.”

It is the job of leaders to raise the standard.  Leaders are supposed to look at something that has gone on a wayward trajectory and get it back on the right track.  Leaders are not passive.  They address issues.  This is the responsibility which comes with leadership.  This provides the backdrop for this post.

I cannot tell you how much I dislike the phrase, “I’ve never been closer to God.  I just have real problems with the church.”  Many people love this statement.  They think it is “real” and “authentic” and a wonderful excuse for no longer attending weekly services.  Some pastors may even build ministry plans around this thought process.

While some love the statement, I think it is misguided at best and sheer lunacy at worst.  It makes me want to shout, “Is there anyone in the room with just an ounce of deductive thinking skills!!!”  Here’s why….

The church is the Bride of Christ.  Christians are His children.

If someone walked up to me and said, “Brian, you and I are great.  We’re tight.  In fact, we’ve never been closer.  I’ve just got a real problem with your wife Sonya and I want nothing to do with your daughter Anna.  In fact, many of my friends feel the exact same way.  But you are awesome.”  What do you think my response is to this person?

Let me help you out.

My response would be, “Oh really.  Well, I love Sonya and Anna more than you would ever know.  I think about them all the time.  I would do anything for them.  I spend as much time with them as they will allow.  In fact, I would die for them.  If you have a problem with Sonya and Anna, you and I are not great.  You and I are not tight.  It doesn’t matter what you think they did to you.  If you have a problem with my wife, my bride, my beloved and my child, you have a problem with me.”

I say this in love.  If you have sworn off church and do not have a high opinion of Christians, you and God are not great.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, your heart should break for what breaks His.  And you should love what He loves.  Trust me, He loves the church and His children.  In fact, He loves them so much He died for them.  You should love the church too.

If you have a problem with the church and Christians, the first thing you need to do is repent.  You need to make those relationships right.  At best, you are not in fellowship with God because of bitterness and disappointment, perhaps even legitimate.  At worst, you need to re-examine your salvation.  You clearly do not love what God loves and may have never been saved in the first place.

If you have been burned by the church, I get it.  But allow me to give you some perspective.  I love the church.  Sometimes I will admit though, the church can be a lot like Noah’s Ark.  With all those animals on board, I am sure it was chaotic and probably smelled bad on the inside.  But it sure beat what was on the outside.

The church is much the same.  It may not always be perfect.  It may figuratively smell bad on the inside sometimes.  But what is taking place on the inside sure beats anything the world has to offer on the outside.

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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.