20 Questions Pastors Must Ask When Transitioning An Established Church

One of the most difficult things a pastor can do is transition an existing church.  It is important to know right questions to ask before embarking on this challenging assignment.

The following are 20 Questions Pastors Must Ask When Transitioning An Established Church:

  1. What are their traditions?
  2. What are their preferences?
  3. What are the agendas of the existing leaders?
  4. Do the leaders want to transition and move into the future?
  5. Are you prepared to change the existing leaders?  They likely took the church from 500 to 100 in attendance, not 100 to 500.
  6. Do the facilities need a facelift?  A leaking roof is a sign something else is leaking.  Also, outdated facilities do not attract young families.
  7. Do you have a funding plan?
  8. Do you have quality childcare and student ministries?
  9. What and who are we here for?  Questions 9-17 are vision questions.
  10. What is needed to impact our community?
  11. Where did we come from?
  12. Where are we now?
  13. Where are we going?
  14. What are the critical success factors?
  15. How do we message this?
  16. What is our timeline?
  17. How do we establish mile markers and measure success?
  18. Am I spiritually and physically prepared for transition?
  19. Have I prayed a hedge of protection around my family?
  20. Am I in this for the long haul?  Has God called me to this?

These questions will help you.


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Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.