What One Man’s Search For His Missing Grandparents In The California Wildfires Taught Me About Jesus

We have all been heartbroken by the images of complete devastation and lost loved ones from the California wildfires.  One such image is shown above.  Our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected along with the firefighters and first responders.  I am always amazed at how large a number of Americans (armed forces, first responders, firefighters, police, etc…) risk their lives every single day to save the lives of others.  This is generosity at its highest level.

Today I read the most compelling article I have read this year.  USA Today writer Diana J. Nanez told the story of John Warner’s frantic search for his missing grandparents, 96-year-old Fay and Anne, because of the wildfires.  You can read the full article HERE.  You will be inspired after doing so.  You will also be heartbroken because of the sobering reality of what is taking place because of the devastation.

As I read about John’s relentless pursuit of his loved ones, I could not help but think of the song “Reckless Love” and Jesus leaving the 99 to frantically search for us.  John Warner was a picture of Jesus.  He was truly Jesus with skin on for his grandparents.  John’s is a story that needs to be told and I am glad to help spread it.

The following are lessons his search for his missing grandparents reminded me of about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s search for you and I:

  1. There Is An Eternal Fire Coming We All Fear – Nanez pointed out this was the fire everyone feared.  It swallowed the entire canyon.
  2. Jesus Dropped Everything To Leave Heaven In His Pursuit To Find Us – John was at work this past Thursday when he heard the fires were making their way to Paradise, CA.  He dropped everything he was doing and started the four-hour journey to the Sacramento Valley city.
  3. There Is No Person Jesus Wouldn’t Use Coming After Us – John began calling family members in the area to see if they had heard from them.
  4. Jesus Never Stops Pursuing Us – John searched for days.
  5. There Is No Place Jesus Would Not Look Coming After Us – John called and visited every shelter in the area.
  6. There Is No Person Jesus Would Not Talk To Coming After Us – John talked to anyone who would listen and handed out fliers containing his contact information.
  7. Jesus Always Thinks The Best About Us – John never thought the worst.  He would find the people he loves.
  8. Jesus Did Everything Possible To Find Us Including Giving His Own Life – John told Sheriff Kory Honea at a town meeting, “I’m looking for my grandparents.  I know you’re doing everything you can.  But you need to do more.”
  9. Jesus Knew He Had To Be The Permanent Sacrifice For Our Sins.  He Had To Do It Himself. – Knowing there were too many missing people, John admitted, “I knew I had to find them myself.”
  10. Jesus Takes To The Airwaves To Find Us – A local news reporter put John on television and he pleaded for someone to help him.  Remember this every time you watch Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. Michael Youssef, Dr. Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley, Bishop T.D. Jakes or any other church service on television.
  11. Jesus Goes Through All This Effort To Find Us Because He Loves Us – John’s efforts paid off.  A shelter worker in Chico, CA saw John on the newscast.  He was then contacted and told his grandparents were safe.  Once reunited, John said, “I love you, Grandpa.”  Fay responded, “I love you too.”

John’s story ended well and reminded me a lot about Jesus’s search for us.  However, thousands of people are currently suffering indescribable pain after losing loved ones.  Once again, our deepest thoughts and prayers go out to the first-responders and everyone affected by these tragic fires.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.