12 Monthly Emails Pastors Can Send To Their Church In 2019

If you’re like most churches, email newsletters are full of information.  Announcements, details about the new teaching series, dates and times for special events.

But rarely do churches send emails helping people grow in their faith.  These fancy newsletters and information blasts do not often connect with people on a spiritual level.  It is more Inbox noise to already busy people.

You can actually use email to pastor your people.

You can connect with your congregation personally.  You can share helpful resources to help people grow on their own. You can challenge them to get more involved.

Our friends at Church Fuel have already done some of that work for you in a free, insanely practical resource called 12 Emails You Can Send Your Church.  Trust me – this resource is INCREDIBLE!!!

This resource has 12 cut-and-paste emails written from a pastoral view.  Some encourage people to take a step (volunteer or make a donation), others are written to help take a step of faith, offer encouragement, pastor people, and to provide helpful resources.  Just make a few adjustments and send them to your congregation.

Here is a list of the done-for-you emails you will get:

  1. January – Here’s What God Did
  2. February – Three Ways You Can Meet People At Church
  3. March – Resources To Help You Grow As A Christian
  4. April – Three Reasons You Should Be In A Small Group
  5. May – Making The Most Of Work
  6. June – Great Things To Do This Summer
  7. July – 21 Ways To Get Involved At (Insert Your Name) Church
  8. August – Three Reasons We Read the Bible (And Where To Start)
  9. September – Why You Should Invite Someone To Church
  10. October – What Do You Do When You Feel Overwhelmed?
  11. November – Why I Give To (Insert Your Name) Church
  12. December – Seven Things To Pray For Your Children

You’ll love these templates and your congregation will benefit as well

Get your free copy here.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.