The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter in 2019 Part 1

On December 31st, I provided my annual listing of The Top 35 Blogs Christian Leaders Need To Read In 2019 as a resource for pastors and Christian leaders.  As is my annual custom, I am now posting my follow-up, The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter In 2019 Part 1.

The challenge of this post each year is you could literally compose a list of hundreds of individuals.  Therefore, I narrowed my criteria down to a list of 10 traits I looked for:

  • If mentioned in The Top 35 Blogs, you were excluded.  My desire is to expose you to as many great Christian leaders as possible.
  • Do you elevate the value of the Scriptures?
  • Are you generous with information pointing me to other great blog posts, writers, or Christian leaders?
  • Do you challenge me and make me look at things in a new way?
  • Are you a resource for great tools and resources?
  • Do you provide solutions?
  • Do you answer questions leaders are asking?
  • Do you relieve pressure for Christian leaders by making us laugh?  If you are controversial or combative, you are omitted.
  • Do you break news?

With that as my criteria, the following are The Top 30 Christian Leaders You Should Be Following On Twitter In 2019 listed in alphabetical order except for the initial one:

  1. @MuseumOfTheBible – This is my favorite Twitter account and a treasure-trove of information.  If you can only follow one person or organization on Twitter, this is the one.  Opened in November 2017 in Washington D.C., this is an innovative, global, educational institution, whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the history, the impact, and the narrative of the Bible.  Click HERE for more information.
  2. @AussieDave – In addition to being named my The #1 Person You Should Follow On Instagram And Why, Dave Adamson is the Social Media Pastor for North Point Community Church.  Also, his photography and devotions are spotlighted in his new Chasing The Light: 90 Days Of Devotions & Photos To Grow Your Faith.  I cannot recommend it enough.  Make sure you today by clicking HERE!
  3. @LisaBevere – Lisa was my favorite speaker from the 2018 Catalyst Conference.  While some speakers are trying to gain an audience or stay relevant shaming men, Lisa celebrates their contribution and how God has raised up countless good men who love God, their wives and families.  So refreshing. Check out Catalyst ’18 – 26 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Lisa Bevere.  Along with Christine Caine, I feel Lisa is the most impactful female speaker in Christianity.  Straight fire!!!  Make sure you buy her new book Adamant: Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions.  
  4. @TaylorBurgess87 – Taylor is the lead pastor at Cross Community Church in Beaufort, SC.  God is doing an incredible work through this man’s life.  He is one of the young pastors in America you should be following.  Oh yes, he is an Alabama Crimson Tide fan as well so you know he values excellence.
  5. @ChristineCaine – The Founder of The A21 Campaign & Propel Women is an inspiration to all of us.  In addition to maybe being the most dynamic Christian speaker in the world, thousands of lives have been rescued from slavery because of her organization.  
  6. @SamChand – Do you want just sheer smarts and intelligence, all flowing from biblical framework?  No one is better than Dr. Chand.  He is one of the world’s most respected theologians and consultant to pastors.  Make sure you get his new book Bigger, Faster Leadership: Lessons From The Builders Of The Panama Canal.  It is amazing!
  7. @JohnBCrist – OK, no one makes me laugh more than John.  His humor is spot-on and a great commentary on current Christian culture.
  8. @CharlieDates – In addition to his pastoral duties at Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago, Pastor Charlie has served as an Adjunct Professor at the Moody Bible Institute and currently serves on the Community Advisory Board for the Chicago Fire Department. He is a contributor to the 2014 book Letters To A Birmingham Jail.  Pastor Charlie is an absolute gift to those who value expository Bible teaching.
  9. @DaveFerguson – Dave is an award-winning author, founding and lead pastor of Chicago’s Community Christian Church, a missional multi-site community considered one of the most influential churches in America. Dave is also the visionary for the international church-planting movement NewThing and president of the Exponential Conference.
  10. @RGallaty – Robby Gallaty, the senior pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church is one of America’s leading voices on the subject of discipleship.  His story is so compelling I am going to include it all.  For three years, he battled a drug addiction that ravaged his life. A $180 a day heroin and cocaine addiction forced him to steal $15,000 from his parents. After living without gas, electricity, and water for months, losing 8 of his friends to drug related deaths, watching 6 friends arrested, and completing two rehab treatments, Robby remembered the gospel that was shared with him by a friend in college and was radically saved on November 12, 2002.  Eight months later, @PlattDavid, a seminary student and church member at the time, asked Robby to meet weekly for accountability, prayer, and bible study. For the next 2 years, David installed a passion for missions, expository preaching, and disciple-making in his life. He also encouraged Robby to go back to school to pursue theological education.  Robby completed his Masters of Divinity Degree in Expository Preaching in 2007 and his Ph.D. in Preaching in 2011 from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Today, Robby’s gospel conviction and evangelistic zeal drive him to passionately “make disciples who make disciples.”
  11. @DerwinLGray – There are few people in Christianity I respect more than Pastor Derwin.  He is the author of the book The High Definition Leader and incomparable pastor of Transformation Church.  Pastor Gray is one of America’s leading voices on multi-ethnic, multi-generational ministry.  A dear friend and amazing leader!
  12. @LouieGiglio and @ShelleyGiglio – I do not know any leaders making a great impact in the next generation of Christians than the leaders of @Passion268.  I cannot recommend enough you read Passion 2019 – 58 Quotes On Fathers, Anxiety, Divorce And Suicide From Louie Giglio’s Opening Session.  It is an important and relevant a message as I have heard in some time.
  13. @JohnnyMHunt – Pastor Johnny is the outgoing senior pastor of First Baptist Church Woodstock (GA).  There are few people I admire more than this wonderful Man of God.  For more from Pastor Johnny read his challenging book Demolishing Strongholds: Finding Victory Over The Struggles That Hold You Back.  His January 25th and 26th Men’s Conference is a can’t miss event for me.  Click HERE for more details.  I will be live-blogging the event if you cannot attend.  I would like to also recommend you follow the NEW senior pastor of First Baptist Church Woodstock @JeremyDMorton.  He is a Godly leader and spectacular preacher!  FBCW is in great hands moving forward.
  14. @Calebwilds – Caleb Kaltenbach is arguably the most humble, transparent and broken pastor I have ever met.  His book Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction is a must read for anyone wanting to impact current culture.
  15. @Clayton_King – Clayton is the pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC.  He is a Professor of Evangelism at Anderson University and the founder of Clayton King Ministries, a non-profit organization that exists to preach the Gospel and make disciples.  He has a true anointing in terms of reaching teens, college students, and adults for Christ.
  16. @MikeLinch – Mike is the amazing pastor of NorthStar Church.  If your church wants to know how to do effective community ministry, make sure you follow Mike.  I also feel he is the friendliest pastor I know.  To learn why, click You Will Never Be A Friendly Church Without This One Thing.  Mike’s podcast Linch With A Leader is one of my go-to resources.  You can listen via: , iTunes, or Stitcher Radio.  BTW, I am his guest in February.
  17. @CrawfordLoritts –  No one packs more truth and content in 140 characters than the incredible senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, GA.  A true man of character.  I highly recommend his book on marriage which he co-authored with his wife Karen, Your Marriage Today. . .And Tomorrow: Making Your Relationship Matter Now and for Generations to Come.
  18. @LeviLusko – Levi is the author of the bestselling book Through the Eyes of a Lion and pastor of Fresh Life Church, a multisite church in Montana and Utah founded with his wife Jennie.
  19. Pastor Eric Mase – Dr. Mason is co-founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia, PA. In addition, to his role as pastor, he serves as president of Thrive In The City.  A ministry dedicated to aiding ethnic minorities to be resourced and trained for ministry to the urban context
  20. @WondHerFul – Heather Funk Polacios serves at Church By The Glades and is one of the most inspirational people on Twitter.  She is also a mental health advocate.  Boom!
  21. @IkeReighard – I love this man.  Trust me, no one knows more about church growth and community ministry than the delightful pastor of Piedmont Church in Marietta, GA and CEO of MUST Ministries, an organization which serves hundreds of thousands of poor and under-resourced people in North Atlanta.  Don’t believe me, click HERE.
  22. @SadieRob – Let me say this, I feel Sadie Robertson is destined to be the next great female evangelist.  The young lady we met in the Duck Dynasty series (how I miss it) has grown up and her communication skills are off-the-charts.
  23. @PriscillaShirer – She describes herself simply as “Just a girl…with a Sword.”  Well that sword is the Bible and she know how to wield it!  The star of War Room is one of the most dynamic and anointed Bible teachers in Christianity.
  24. @Sports_Spectrum – Hosted and produced by @JasonRomano, this twitter account and podcast are must-follows by anyone interested in the intersection of sports and faith.  There is not a more inspirational hour I listen to each week.  Also, if you are struggling with “daddy issues”, order Jason’s book Live to Forgive: Moving Forward When Those We Love Hurt Us.  It is a must-read!
  25. Johnny “JT” Terrazas – There is not a kinder pastor an America than Pastor JT of Hope City Community Church in El Paso, TX.  This is an incredible man and pastor who everyone should know about.
  26. @JonTyson – Jon is the lead pastor of Church Of The City in New York City.  Their vision and desire is to live as those who pursue and practice the Way of Jesus in our time and place, bringing spiritual, social, and cultural renewal of the city.  They are doing an incredible job in a very difficult place.
  27. @ChadCVeach – Chad is the lead pastor of Zoe Church, a multi-campus ministry in Los Angeles.  Zoe Church church is a place where our doors are open to people of all backgrounds—regardless of where they are at in their journeys— and we hope all feel welcomed, comfortable and loved. The Greek translation for “Zoe” is abundant life. Through engaging, powerful worship and Biblical truth broken down in practical and relevant ways, we intend to infuse “Zoe” life and God’s love into individuals and families.
  28. @SeanKWood – Sean is a “Life Adventurer” in Vancouver, British Columbia.  If you follow his site you will get access to some of the most relevant Christian leadership material available.  Love changed his life.  Now he is changing others.
  29. @RichWilkersonJr – Rich is the lead pastor of VOUS Church in Miami, FL.  Along with his wife @DawnCheré, they have a heart to reach our city and beyond with the life transforming message of Jesus.  They believe in the next generation and value the wisdom and guidance of those that have gone before us.  My 20-year-old daughter clears her calendar to hear Rich speak.
  30. @RaviZacharias – This expert in Christian apologetics is a gift to all who listens to him.  He is a picture of how you should answer skeptics and this questioning Christianity.  His kindness in the face of anger is a picture for how we should all live.  As he says, “I answer a questioner, not a question.”

Well, that is my list.  There is no way you could ever include everyone but as you can see, I’m partial to pastors and Bible teachers.  I will be releasing a follow-up Part 2 list in July.  So if you want to suggest names, you can do so by connecting me with on Twitter here.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.