35 Leadership Quotes And Lesson From John Maxwell On Sharing Your Faith

For the next two days I will attending The Gathering Conference.  The Gathering happens every four years and is chance for the finest Wesleyan pastors in America to gather and discuss today’s leadership issues.  I will be representing INJOY Stewardship Solutions and while here will be bringing you some of the quality leadership content provided.

As a gift from INJOY Stewardship, click HERE to download the most popular coaching session I conducted in 2018 – The Seven Giving Systems Every Church Needs To Be Fully-Funded.  This informative session will help you have all the resources needed to carry out this year’s ministry plans.  Simply click HERE or on the image provided to get your complimentary coaching.

The evening’s plenary speaker was the incomparable and legendary John Maxwell.  For those who may be new to this site, John is my spiritual hero and someone I had the pleasure of working for six years.  There is no one I admire more.  If you have not done so already, you should purchase his new book Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace being released the first week of February.

The following are 35 Leadership Quotes And Lesson From John Maxwell I captured from his incredible session on sharing your faith:

  1. My might as well laugh at yourself. Everyone else is.
  2. My life changed dramatically when I left the pastorate and went into the business community to be salt and light there.
  3. Should an old person talk about remembering?
  4. I have had a couple of times in my life when I forgot what it was like in Egypt… I forgot the deliverance in my life Christ has done for me.
  5. I was so focused on getting my church relocated I left my first love (winning souls).And I forgot.
  6. In losing my way, I lost my heart for reaching lost people.
  7. God spoke to my heart and said, “The rest of your life you’re going to spend your life in the business community.”
  8. I was so busy as a pastor doing church stuff I wasn’t reaching people for Christ.
  9. If you lose your way you have to have a blueprint.
  10. What are we going to do about the 53% of the people who never come to our church? They’re never coming to church.
  11. Are we called to a church or are we called to a community? Is my passion as great for people not coming to our church as those who are coming to our church?
  12. We must be intentional to add value to lost people. Paul did it by serving people.
  13. I have to add value to people first before having the credibility to share Christ.
  14. Before we share our faith let’s get people to like us.
  15. Include everyone.
  16. It’s amazing God loves us.
  17. God loves people I don’t like. Therein, is the problem.
  18. God is love. We would rather correct people than connect with people.  God doesn’t change us to accept us.  He accepts us to change us.
  19. The 101% Princple – Find the 1% you agree on and give it 100% of our effort.
  20. We must know who we are in Christ.
  21. I don’t have to be like them to reach them but I do have to like them to reach them.
  22. You got to out there where the people are.
  23. You have to be intentional to enter their world.
  24. When you enter their world you’ll be moved with compassion. The more you are with them you will love them.
  25. When you hear how messed up their world is you will have compassion on them.
  26. We must be intentional in experiencing things from their point of view.
  27. 95% of the time I hang with sinners and I mentor a lot of lost people.
  28. I’m trying to get people saved.
  29. Don’t you just love it when athiest ask you to pray.
  30. Be intentional to creatively move people toward God.
  31. I believe everyone wants to know God.
  32. The reason people don’t know God is they have a wrong picture of God.
  33. It will be amazing how much God helps you when you hang around lost people.
  34. I think the greatest gift I can give Jesus is thousands and thousands of people in Heaven who will say, “John, it is you who invited me here.”
  35. There is only one thing that counts in Heaven.  The only thing that counts is when we share the good news of the Gospel and they receive it and their life is changed.

John is simply amazing!

Once again, if you have not downloaded my free coaching on the 7 Giving Systems Every Church Must Have To Be Fully-Funded, click HERE or on the image below.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.