C3 Conference Live Blog – 36 Leadership Lessons From C3 Panel Interview On Church Growth

For the next two days, I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to attend and help sponsor the C3 Conference in Dallas, TX.  Hosted by Fellowship Church founded by Senior Pastor Ed Young,the C3 Conference is where leaders from around the world gather together for intensive coaching, inspirational teaching, incurable learning, and intentional relationships to advance the Church!It It has

As part of my time here, INJOY Stewardship is offering a FREE Capital Campaign Calculator for your church.  If your church needs to raise significant capital in the next two years, this will be a wonderful source of information for you.

The afternoon’s first breakout was panel interview with Galen Woodward, Bil Cornelius, Derrick Parson, Tim Chambers, and Dr. Claude Thomas on church growth.   The following are 36 Leadership Quotes And Lessons from this wonderful session:

  1. Sometimes things happen and we don’t know why. – Dr. Claude Thomas
  2. Changing is necessary to leading its church to its potential. – CT
  3. If you’re a learner everybody is a teacher. – CT
  4. I wouldn’t even consider multi-site unless your main campus is 3000 or more. Because you don’t have the infrastructure and resources. You will bleed your main campus. – BC
  5. 5-10% of the population of your church will be involved in the multisite. – BC
  6. You need way more money, way more structure, and way more margin in your current campus is you’re going to multi-site. – BC
  7. You have way more potential in the location where you are. Reach your city where you are. – BC
  8. Think multi-service before multi-site. Everytime you add a service your rent just got cut in half. – BC
  9. Every single location church will grow to a certain place and hit a lid. – CT
  10. Every one of us has the same mission… But what it looks like when we fulfill that mission looks differently. Vision is what it looks like when you fulfill the mission where you are. – CT
  11. Most guys think they have hit their lid but they’re not. The first lid you need to lift is in your mind. – BC
  12. The three limits on your environment for your church to grow are Preaching, Parking, and Preschool. Whichever you max out on your done. – BC
  13. The only person that likes a full movie theater is the movie manager. No one likes a full children’s area.  Add another service at 60% capacity. – BC
  14. Another lid is a structure. – CT
  15. For 14 years I pastored that church with no growth at all. – GW
  16. You have to recreate yourself every 10 years. – GW
  17. A recreating doesn’t mean you have to start all over again. – GW
  18. In New Mexico, a person comes to church once every four weeks. – GW
  19. The first truly post-Christian generation (Generation Z, middile school to 25) is alive and living in America. They are The Nons, non-believers, non-committed. – GW
  20. We moved from seating capacity to sending capacity. – GW
  21. It’s alarming how fast American culture is changing. – GW
  22. Vision with no application is a dream. – CT
  23. Leaders don’t wait on momentum. Leaders create momentum. – CT
  24. When the casinos closed down, we lost 25,000 jobs in a town of 270,000 people. We lost 10% of our income in a moment. – TC
  25. Quantity is important. Numbers tell a story but they don’t always tell the quality. – TC
  26. You must have five first-time visitors per every 100 people if you want to grow your church. – TC
  27. You don’t have to make excuses where you’re at but you do have to make adjustments. – TC
  28. If you need resources, the coin is in the mouth of the first. Just keep fishing. – TC
  29. Leaders don’t succumb. They adjust. – CT
  30. We adjusted our values and it is the best thing we’ve ever done. We drive them every service. – DC
  31. You reach who you are not who you want. – CT
  32. If you’re going to grow a church you’re going to have to have a vision and touch people where they are. – CT
  33. Reality is if you’re not connecting with people you can’t communicate with them. – CT
  34. Love God. Love People. Is the number one core value on our list. – DC
  35. Put vision, values, and behavior together and you have culture. – CT
  36. If you don’t create your culture you will have a mixed culture. – CT

This was a brilliant and informative session.  Stay tuned for more leadership lessons this afternoon.

Once again, don’t forget to take advantage of your complimentary Capital Campaign Calculator if you need to raise significant money.  Simply click HERE to get today!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.