4 Reasons Why Every Executive Leader Should Attend Rethink Leadership

I am often asked which conferences are the ones leaders should be attending.  Without question, if you are only allowed to attend one event each year, I recommended ReThink Leadership hosted by the incomparable Carey Nieuwhof.  This event is happening in two weeks, May 1st through 3rd, in North Atlanta.

I think so much of ReThink Leadership that I will be in attendance live-blogging the event.  It is three days where my thinking is stretched, I receive encouragement, and I simply get much, much better as a leader. 

To get a picture for what you can expect, click Complete Content From The 2018 ReThink And Orange Conferences.

Rethink Leadership is an event for senior leaders in the church that’s designed by senior leaders. Carey helped create the event, along with the team at Orange, and it runs alongside The Orange Conference. The fact that Carey is behind it is all you really need to know, but with that said, here are 4 reasons why every executive leader should attend Rethink Leadership.

Rethink Leadership is Designed with Senior Leaders in Mind

The entire conference is designed with senior leaders in mind. Meaning, the content will be focused on what senior leaders care about most as it relates to leading their church. Many conferences are specific to a niche within the church, a specific ministry area, or leadership in general, but Rethink Leadership is specific to what lead pastors, executive pastors, and campus pastors care about most.

Rethink Leadership has a Different Feel

As a NextGen Pastor, my favorite conference experience each year is NEXT, a small event that Orange hosts specifically for NextGen Pastors. The fact that it’s small and specific to my role is what I love about it. Rethink Leadership is the same thing, but for senior leaders. I get to connect with so many people at the event and that includes the speakers. Rethink Leadership offers the same community and access.

Rethink Leadership has a Unique Format

Rethink Leadership is different in its format. The talks are TED Talk-style (short)or interviews with Q&A time afterward. You sit around tables with your peers which allows you to learn from them as you learn from presenters. In my experience, I learn even more from my peers than I have from presenters, mostly because my peers are in a context that’s usually more similar to mine.

Rethink Leadership gives you Orange Conference Access

Rethink Leadership is designed to run parallel to the Orange Conference so leaders can attend the main sessions of the Orange Conference when they are not in Rethink Leadership. This allows for a church staff to experience some elements together while also getting content and opportunities that unique to their role. It’s the best of both worlds, for sure.

Will You or Your Senior Leader Attend?

Registration is open now! Click here to check out Rethink Leadership and I hope to see you there!!!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.