Live Blog 2019 ReThink Leadership Conference – 34 Leadership Quotes on Current Church Trends from Carey Nieuwhof and Brad Lomenick

May 1st through 3rd are three of my favorite leadership days of the year.  Each year, INJOY Stewardship Solutions allows me to live-blog the Orange and ReThink Leadership Conferences.  No event stretches my thinking more and make me a smarter and better-equipped leader than this event.

If you are unfamiliar with ReThink and Orange, let me give you an overview.  Hosted by Carey Nieuwhof, ReThink is a series of Ted Talk-stlyle lessons from some of the most innovative minds in business and leadership.  Orange is simply the nation’s preeminent organization on children’s ministry.

As part of my time here, INJOY Stewardship is offering a FREE Capital Campaign Calculator for your church.  If your church needs to raise significant capital in the next two years, this will be a wonderful source of information for you.

Today is Day 2 of the conference.  The afternoon’s first breakout was on current church trends by Carey Nieuwhof and Brad Lomenick.

The following are 34 leadership lessons and quotes from their insightful observations:

  1. It’s hard to be on the same page as a team if you’re not in the same room. – CN
  2. 70% of adults I preach to have kids at home. – CN
  3. Margin gives you opportunity to respond. Financial gives you an opportunity to be generous…. Margin is such a strategic thing for the top leaders. – BL
  4. The best leaders have the most time. – CN
  5. Accessibility is a trend and everyone expects access. – BL
  6. We have gone from a church where I care for everybody to one where everybody is cared for. – CN
  7. The people who are really big deals are accessible. The people who think they are, the climbers, need an eye scan to get into their office. – BL
  8. Engagement is the new attendance. How many people are giving, inviting friends, serving. – CN
  9. Culture is becoming so anonymous, lonely, and isolate that attendance has to come back as a value. – CN
  10. Your most engaged people are the ones who attend the most. – CN
  11. Whatever you need to do get in the room. If you can’t get in the room, here’s an option. – CN
  12. Digital consumption leads to a diminishing relationship with Jesus Christ. – CN
  13. In the succession crisis in the church, individuals are being replaced by teams. – CN
  14. When you form a corporation, you have to think of the dissolution of the company. – CN
  15. Small is the new big…. Everyone who is big is trying to get small. We no longer trust institutions.  We trust local and trust what I can see, feel, and trust. – BL
  16. We now have a distribution system where the best wins. – BL
  17. People are walking into churches looking for reasons to walk out. – BL
  18. How many great messages in a year do you have in you? – CN
  19. Succession Rule #1 – Go before you need to. – CN
  20. Public Presence. I’m still present.  I haven’t died.  Private Absence.  I’m not in any meetings. – CN
  21. When we wrap our identity around an assignment it gets wacky. Catalyst was an assignment.  Catalyst was not a calling. – BL
  22. What’s dying is gimmicks. – CN
  23. Bribing people to attend is a problem. What you win them with you got to keep them with. – CN
  24. The opposite of attractional is repulsive. – CN
  25. People are going to be less attracted to free ice cream than an experience of God. – CN
  26. Authentic is the new cool. – CN
  27. There is no unchurched person in the world who cares about what a seminary president says. – CN
  28. Churches that lead people away from orthodox Christianity have no people because they’re not leading them anywhere. – CN
  29. I am creating anything in my life that are closets that no one can go into? – BL
  30. Are you hoping up or holding on? – BL
  31. 98% of the people you want to reach are online. – CN
  32. Tell people who live within 30 minutes of the church to get in here… I never met a couple who met online, got married, and stayed online. – CN
  33. If you have a burden at home it will show up at work. – CN
  34. Leaders create something out of nothing.  Managers steward what has been built.” – CN

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.



Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.