28 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Art of Racing in the Rain

Today I saw the movie The Art of Racing in the Rain.  This is a great, great movie.  If you are unfamiliar with the story, the film follows a golden retriever named Enzo, voiced magnificently by Kevin Costner, as he narrates his life’s journey with his owner and best friend, a race car driver named Denny (played by Milo Ventimiglia).

Through flashbacks, Enzo is there when Denny meets, falls in love, marries, and buries his wife Eve (played by Amanda Seyfried). Enzo is there when their child is born.  And Enzo is there through all of life’s challenges and tragedies.

This is a gut-wrenching, emotional movie.  Just be prepared.  Whether it’s Old Yeller, Marley & Me, Turner and Hooch, A Dog’s Life, Romona and Beezus, or even Legend with Will Smith, we all know the ultimate fate of the dog.  But that is not the most heartbreaking storyline is Eve’s passing.  Once again, just be prepared.  If you want something more lighthearted, you always have 15 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Hobbs And Shaw.

There is no language or nudity.  I wish Hollywood makes more movies like this.  You can tell a compelling story without compromising issues related to personal character.  There is one thing though I have a major problem with.  Enzo’s theology is way, way off regarding the afterlife.  While it makes for a sweet story, dogs are not reincarnated into humans.  Feel free to check our my post Do Dogs (Or Pets In General) Go To Heaven? for my thoughts on the topic.

I would also like to add this movie will make Milo Ventimiglia is major motion picture star!!!  As you are probably aware, he already is on television but this is his breakout moment!

The following are 28 Leadership Lessons And Quotes From The Art of Racing in the Rain.  All comments are from Enzo’s narration unless otherwise noted.

  1. Smart Leaders Focus On What They Have, Not What They Don’t – “Gestures are all I have”
  2. You Never Have To Recover From A Good Start – “No race was ever won in the first corner but many have been lost there.”
  3. You Don’t Choose The Dog.  The Dog Chooses You. – “I was meant to be his dog.”
  4. There Is An Art To Leadership – Denny said, “It’s not about a heavier foot.  It’s about feel.”
  5. Make A Covenant With Your Eyes – Denny added, “In racing, your car goes where your eyes go.”
  6. “The best drivers don’t dwell on the future or the past.  The best drivers focus only on the present.  Reflection must come at a later time.”
  7. Ruthlessly Self-Evaluate – Race car drivers faithfully watch their performances from the video-cams located in the cabins of their cars.  They then ruthlessly self-evaluate their decisions and performance.
  8. Smart Leaders Create Cultures Of Success – “No one knows what curves life will throw at you.  But if the driver has the courage to create his own conditions, the rain is simply rain.”
  9. Leaders Must Properly Evaluate Reality – Enzo said of Denny, “When it rains, it doesn’t rain on him.”
  10. Love Is An Infinite Resource – Eve told Enzo, “You don’t mind if I love him, too.”
  11. Successful Leaders Sacrifice For The Good Of Others – Enzo was the rignbearer at Denny and Eve’s wedding.  He said, “I did as I was instructed for Denny’s sake.”
  12. Guard Your Tongue.  You Never Know Who Is Listening. – “People will say anything in front of me.  I’m just a dumb dog.”
  13. Great Leaders Get Their Entire Teams Across The Finish Line – Eve said, “You drove well.”  To which Denny replied, “It doesn’t mean a lot if your team doesn’t finish.”
  14. Leaders Have To Constantly Deal With Unpredictable Elements – “She was my unpredictable element.  She was my rain.”
  15. Leaders, You Have All You Need For Success – “When God didn’t give us the use of thumbs, He gave us the ability to go without food for long periods.”
  16. Serving Others Gives You A Sense Of Pride – “When she would tell her playmates that I was her big brother, my heart would swell with pride.”
  17. Successful Leaders Resource Their Teams With All They Need – “It would fall to me to provide what he needed.”
  18. Successful Leaders Are Resilient Leaders – “The great driver finds a way to keep racing.”
  19. “A good pit crew – Adapting, Adjusting, Correcting.”
  20. Successful Leaders Are Risk-Takers – “In every race you have to take a risk if you want to win.”
  21. “A champion can accomplish things normal people only think is possible.”
  22. Leaders Are Either Thermostats Or Thermometers.  They either set the temperature or respond to it. – “A dog can change the tempo of the world but the rest of the world is at its mercy.”
  23. When Opportunity Presents Itself It’s Too Late To Prepare – One day a trainer from Ferrari just showed up unannounced.  He asked Denny to drive his car which led to a future drive.
  24. “There’s no dishonor in losing a race.  There is only dishonor when you don’t race because you’re afraid to lose.”
  25. Lasting Leaders Keep Their Promises – “I’ve made Eve a promise.  I’m not quitting.”
  26. “My life has been so long and so short at the same time.”
  27. “You’ve been a good friend, a very good friend.”
  28. “For now all I want is one more lap, just one more.”

Once again, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a great movie.  Just take a lot of tissues.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.