7 Gifts Wives Need From Their Husbands and 5 Gifts Husbands Need From Their Wives

Tonight my wife and I had the privilege of attending the Real Momentum Date Night event in which the incomparable Crawford and Karen Loritts were the featured speakers.  It was an incredible event!!!

If you are unfamiliar with Real Momentum, this is an organization founded by Keith Boggs.  Real Momentum offers tailored men’s ministry coaching, local church events and strategic missions partnerships.  They help churches develop an effective disciple-making ministry to men with others in mind.  My home church has partnered up with Keith and Real Momentum and they are outstanding!  Click HERE to learn more about this incredible ministry.

Crawford and Ms. Karen are simply two of my favorite people in the world.  They are featured speakers at Family Life marriage conferences.  They recently co-authored Your Marriage Today. . .And Tomorrow: Making Your Relationship Matter Now and for Generations to Come.  They have four adult children: Bryan, Heather, Bryndan, and Holly.  However, its their 11 grandchildren your should hear them talk about!

I also want to add that Crawford’s book Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence is one of the top five leadership books I have ever read!  Do yourself a favor by picking up a copy HERE.

The content was so valuable I want to share it with as many people as possible.  The following are 55 Quotes And Lessons On Having A Healthy Marriage I captured from tonight’s event:

  1. Thursday night date night is a good thing. – CL
  2. The “Why” of marriage. It is about tomorrow.  The only reason why marriage is sacred conduit by which the image of God is passed on from one generation to the next. – CL
  3. The only reason a marriage exists is for a time you cannot see. – CL
  4. Whether a person wants to leave a legacy or not is irrelevant because you are. – CL
  5. We’ve been married for 48 years. – CL
  6. The death of intimacy in your relationship is proportionate to the degree of sacrifice you make for one another. Intimacy is spelled “Sacrifice”.  Love goes beyond feelings.  What makes something rich is the sacrifice for one another. – CL

7 Gifts Your Wife Needs from Karen Loritts

  1. The Gift.of Godliness.
  2. I need to know he is praying for me and he is on his knees about how he can be a Godly man.
  3. The depth of your relationship with God tells her the truth of your relationship with God.
  4. The Gift of Unconditional Love.
  5. I was ready to be a bride but I wasn’t ready to be a wife.
  6. Crawford loved me through my chaos. He loved me through my mess.
  7. Our marriage is great because we serve a great God.
  8. Is my love a love with no strings attached?
  9. The Gift of Understanding.
  10. God knows you could not live with your wife in an understanding way if you did not have the Holy Spirit which would interpret things in an understanding way.
  11. Life is much more of a process for a woman.
  12. 4 T’s when seeking to give your wife the Gift of Understanding. – Time. Be patient. Build the relationship.   Thoughtfulness.  Help out. Talking.  Save some intelligent words for your wife when you come home.
  13. The Gift of Understanding starts in the morning and pays off in the night time.
  14. The Gift of a Provider.
  15. This man is going to take care of his business.
  16. Even in Christian homes there are some sorry men who are trying to find themselves at 40 years old.
  17. If you die before her, what security have you left her?
  18. The Gift of Protection.
  19. There are real relationship enemies that want to sabotage your marriage.
  20. She’s the queen of her home.
  21. She’s better than your golf driver.
  22. Protect the queen.
  23. The Gift of Trust.
  24. God promises to bless you if you trust Him.Are you trustworthy?  Are you the same in private as you are in public?
  25. Where do your eyes take you?
  26. We need to wear a coat of integrity.
  27. The Gift of a Servant-Leader.
  28. Crawford wants to shepherd my and your children to God’s glory.

5 Gifts Every Man Needs from Crawford Loritts

  1. Godliness is the beginning. The greatest gift you can give each other is surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  2. The more I look like Him the more our family will experience the power of God.
  3. You married a sinner. We need Jesus and we need Him desperately.
  4. The Gift of Respect. Our primary need it the gift of respect.
  5. Men need to know there is one place when they come home they are respected.
  6. Respect has a way of transforming men.
  7. Respect makes men feel responsible and accountable. It humbles men.
  8. We are negotiating relationships rather than giving ourselves completely to one another.
  9. The Gift of Support. Focused commitment to your husband and family.
  10. The emphasis of the Bible is priority. Can you maintain the priority of your husband and children?
  11. A man needs to know their wives are completely there for him.
  12. To be the head of a house doesn’t mean you’re not challenged.
  13. As long as Jesus and Karen are with me I’m cool.
  14. The Gift of Encouragement.
  15. Don’t whine. Don’t pout.  Put wind in his sails.  We need to create an environment of hope in our houses.
  16. Some of us have institutionalized negativity in our personalities.
  17. Your husband needs to know he has a cheerleader when he comes home.
  18. All you have in this world is sitting next to you right now. Be careful how you treat them.  Everyone else is going to get off the train eventually.
  19. Make it your ambition no one is ever going to encourage your husband more than you.
  20. The Gift of Loyalty.
  21. The word “cleave” means to hold fast. A passionate loyalty and commitment to one another.
  22. They need to know the relationship to the marriage is primary to you.
  23. Your children are not your spouse. For them to be healthy they always need to know they stand in the third position.
  24. Loyalty tells the truth. Loyalty is courageous.
  25. The Gift of Confidentiality
  26. There is a sense of security because he knows she is going to keep their business their business.
  27. Please disinvite your parents from your business.
  28. Oneness implies a sense of unity and a sense of trust with one another.
  29. All we have is right beside us and all I want is right beside me.

Q & A

  1. Marriage reflects the portrait of how the church relates to Christ. – CL
  2. Submission only relates to task and function and not value. – CL
  3. Any short of sin there should a sense of submission and coming under that authority. – CL
  4. The only way I’m able to submit is under the power and control of the Holy Spirit. – KL
  5. When a person has a problem with submission that’s just an indicator of another problem they have. – KL
  6. God doesn’t use us because we have it together. He uses us because he is a great God. – CL
  7. My walk with God is on me. – KL
  8. You have to know your wife and how much time she needs. – KL
  9. Crawford waited on God because he’s a Godly man. – KL
  10. One of the greatest gifts we can give our marriage is to have people we trust who can hold us accountable. We get myopic. – CL
  11. Most of us wait too long and start glowing in the dark before we get help. – CL
  12. Repentance and humility are our best allies. Pride and arrogance will mess you up every single time. – CL
  13. To be married is to major in forgiveness. – CL
  14. If you have a hard time forgiving, you will have a hard time adjusting because that is what marriage is all about. – CL

Just incredible wisdom!!!

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.