17 Lessons From The Amazing Generosity Of Virginia Basketball Coach Tony Bennett

On April 10, 2019 Virginia Cavalier head basketball coach Tony Bennett led the team to its first NCAA Championship.  Now heading into his 11th season, he was poised for a significant financial increase.  As the kids say, Tony Bennett was about to get paid!!!  And then something shocking, unless you know the Bennett family, happened.

Coach Bennett turned down his well-deserved raise and asked for the funds to be reinvested into his staff and the program.  He said, “I have more than I need.  I’m blessed beyond what I deserve.”  Athletic Director Carla Williams noted, “This just does not happen in our industry.”  Or might I add, any industry.

So what type of man is Coach Bennett.  This article from VirginiaSports.com tells the story of his generosity and gives us some insight into his thought process.  All comments are from Coach Bennett unless otherwise noted.

  1. Coach Bennett Has Built His Program On Biblical Values – The articles states Coach Bennett “built his program on the biblical pillars of humility, passion, unity, servanthood and thankfulness.”
  2. Trust Your Wife’s Heart In The Area Of Generosity – The reinvestment of resources was Coach Bennett’s wife Laurel’s idea. Coach Bennett said, “She’s always said, ‘Is there something we can do that can make a difference?’ That’s been on her heart and mind, and we’ve talked about it a lot.”
  3. A Generous Person’s Focus Is Always On Others – As previously mentioned, Bennett asked Williams to leverage the dollars towards his staff and other items which would benefit the basketball program.
  4. Generosity Flows From Personal Margin – “Laurel and I are in a great spot.”
  5. A Generous Person Is Often A Peaceful Person –  “We just feel a great peace about where we’re at.”
  6. Where Your Treasure Is There Your Heart Will Be Also – “All that’s taken place, and how we feel about this athletic department and this community and this school.  I love being at UVA.”
  7. A Generous Person Is Often A Content Person – “President Ryan and Carla were very gracious in what they offered to me as a potential contract, but I have a very good contract. I have more than enough”
  8. Generosity Always Overflows To Others – “If there are ways that this can help out the athletic department, the other programs and coaches, by not tying up so much [in men’s basketball], that’s my desire.”
  9. Generous Leaders See The Big Picture – “I fully support what we’re trying to do.  I see the big picture.”
  10. Generous People Are Personally Invested In What They Are Passionate About – Tony and Laurel personally pledged $500,000 to a UVA men’s basketball career-development program.
  11. Your Level Of Generosity Tells You About The Type Of Person And Leader You Are – President Ryan said, “Tony’s decision—to turn down a well-deserved raise and instead invest in his players and UVA athletics more broadly—tells you everything you need to know about him as a leader and as a human being.”
  12. Generosity Is Endearing And Results In Loyalty – Ryan continued. “Tony is one of the most selfless people I’ve ever met, and this is just the latest example. He and Laurel show us what it means to be great and good, and I hope they will continue to be a part of the UVA family for many years to come.”
  13. Generous People Often Wish To Remain Anonymous – Ryan concluded, “I know they do not want any praise or recognition, but it is important for me to acknowledge how thankful I am for Tony and Laurel.”
  14. Generosity Provides Solutions For Others – “That’s where our heart is. Our donation is all about career development.”
  15. Generous People Want To Make A Generational Impact – “Carla said this is generational.  That’s where my heart is.  This might be more significant than what we can do for them with the championships and winning.  Whether they know it or not, two-thirds, three-quarters of their life is going to be outside the game.  It’s going to be in work and providing for their families.”
  16. Don’t Mess With Happiness – “As the saying goes: Don’t mess with happiness.”
  17. Generous People Always Have Opportunities And Options – “Certainly there have been other opportunities, but I love the college game, I love what this university stands for, I love how as a staff we’ve been allowed to try to work towards it.  It’s a journey.  It’s hard.  I love being here and continuing to try to build.”

What is one thing you learned about generosity from Coach Bennett?


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.