Live Blog From Catalyst 2019 – 25 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Tim Elmore On Generation Z

Today I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to attend Catalyst 2019.  Over the last two decades leaders who love the Church have gathered in Atlanta for a shared experience, connection to something greater than themselves, and to foster change in their teams, communities, and culture.  This year should be no different.

We are #FORPastors!  Therefore, as a special gift to you and in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, INJOY Stewardship is offering you a FREE DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION script which your staff or key lay leaders could read during the church service in honor of your pastor.  Here’s what I guarantee, your pastor will get a well-deserved standing ovation after reading this.  Whatever you do, click HERE or on the image provided and get your service.  Your pastor needs this more than you know.

The day’s next speaker was Dr. Tim Elmore. Tim is the Founder and President of Growing Leaders, a non-profit organization created to develop emerging leaders.  He and his team equip secondary school students, college students and recent graduates from thousands of campuses across the US and around the world to think and act like authentic leaders.  Tim has a new book out called Generation Z Unfiltered: Facing Nine Hidden Challenges of the Most Anxious Population.  Make sure you pick up a copy HERE.

Tim is absolutely one of the people I admire most in Christian leadership.

The following are 25 Leadership Quotes And Lessons from his incredibly educational session on the potential of Generational Z:

  1. How they (Generation Z) turn out is going to have a lot to do with how we lead them.
  2. Gen Z were born at the dawn of the 20th
  3. Gen X – 1965 to 1982. The mantra is “keep it real.”  It was a skeptical generation.
  4. Gen Z – “I’m coping and hoping. I’m stressed out.  High anxiety.”
  5. The pendulum for the generations is Caution to Confidence to Caution to Confidence to Caution.
  6. When we don’t understand the times, we look to 1 Chron 12:32 and the sons of Issachar.
  7. Gen X grew up with cell phones. Gen Z is growing up with smart phones.
  8. Our world today is full of speed. It’s not gram, it’s Instagram.  We are a generation that paces in front of a microwave oven.  You might think slow is bad.  Good marriages happen slowly.
  9. Our world today is full of convenience. You might think hard is bad.  The #1 phrase K-12 teachers hear is “It’s too hard.”
  10. Our world today is full of entertainment. You might think boring is bad.  Our brains need boredom.  It is in the empty space we develop empathy and sympathy.  Boring is exactly what we need.
  11. Our world today is full of nurture. We are a safety-first generation.  You might think risk is bad.  Our nation was built on risk.  We are drifting from what makes the Kingdom grow.
  12. Our world today is built on entitlement. Entitlement is everywhere.  You might think labor is bad.
  13. Aren’t slow, hard, boring, risk, and labor are the things that grow us into successful human beings?
  14. Since 2002, students are looking outside for the answers. Mom?  Youth Pastor?  Not internal.  They are more external than 80% of young people in the 60’s.  This is also the same rise in anxiety and depression.
  15. Kids need to grow up and figure it out. They need to skin their knee.
  16. PROVE – 5 ingredients engage Generation Z students the best.
  17. Start with a Problem, not a curriculum. Students learn just in time, not just in case.
  18. Relationships – Kids learn better from a teacher who they think likes them.
  19. Ownership – We’ve got to stop being a guru. They need to own their learning.  We’re a guide, a consultant, not a commander.
  20. Visuals – Images are the language of the 21st century, not words.
  21. Experiences – We create experiences that engage them, not a talk.
  22. We have an expectations problem.
  23. 66% of today’s adults have a negative expectation about the future of Generation Z.
  24. 64% of today’s adults will not be ready for adulthood when they reach it. If they’re not, whose fault is it?
  25. I follow Jesus. I think He’s hopeful.  We all win in the end.

What an incredible to start the day!  Check back throughout for more speakers and leadership lessons.

Once again, if you have not downloaded the DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION SCRIPT, simply click HERE or on the image provided.  #FORPastors

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.