20 Things You Never Hear At Fast-Growing Churches

The following are 20 things you will NEVER hear in fast growing churches.  Let the controversy begin!

  1. Bad Preaching
  2. “Pastor, now we don’t want to get ahead of God.”
  3. “Can we sing that fifth verse again?”
  4. “We let the preacher preach and we handle everything else.”
  5. “Son, now that’s not how we do things around here.”
  6. “Pastor, you want that slooooooow growth.  You don’t want that fast growth.”
  7. “You preach too much on money.”
  8. “I wish he would wear a tie.”
  9. “All we hear about is lost people.”
  10. “We need to focus on the people inside the walls of the church.”
  11. “We have too many leaders around here.”
  12. “We have too many volunteers.”
  13. “We are putting too many resources in children’s ministry.”
  14. “Put your hands down!”
  15. “Don’t forget this Thursday’s Committee on Committees meeting.”
  16. “I don’t know how you get involved around here.”
  17. “Meet our interim pastor.”
  18. “Thankfully, we won’t have to do a capital campaign for a long time.”
  19. When asked your weekly attendance numbers , you respond “Our membership numbers are…..”
  20. When asked your weekly attendance numbers , you respond “Our online attendance is…..”
  21. BONUS – “Make America great again.” and likewise “I hate Trump.”  Neither lends itself to fast growth.

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.