Live Blog From The SPARK Conference – 42 Leadership Quotes And Lessons From Dallas White On 6 Steps To Practical Disciple-Making

For the next three days I have been dispatched by INJOY Stewardship Solutions to attend the SPARK Conference.  SPARK Conference is a gathering for local church leaders passionate about making disciples who make disciples.  This event is structured the conference to help teams pray, process and plan together toward the launch of a disciple-making movement in their community

At INJOY Stewardship, we are #FORPastors!  Therefore, as a special gift to you and in honor of Pastor Appreciation Month, INJOY Stewardship is offering you a FREE DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION script which your staff or key lay leaders could read during the church service in honor of your pastor.  Here’s what I guarantee, your pastor will get a well-deserved standing ovation after reading this.  Whatever you do, click HERE or on the image provided and get your service.  Your pastor needs this more than you know.

The first breakout speaker for Day 2 was Dallas White. Dallas is the Lead Pastor of The Grove Church in Acworth, GA.

The following are 42 Leadership Quotes And Lessons from his session on the 6 Practical Steps For Profitable Discipleship:

  1. I was deeply convicted because I looked at my life and could see anyone different because of my investment in them.
  2. Dallas, you exist to help people know the joy of knowing Him and make disciples.
  3. I never have a person who invested with a goal of having a bad investment. When it comes to the Kingdom, we often give little thought to our Kingdom investments.
  4. We can invest in a way that enlarges the Kingdom but it doesn’t happen by accident. It must be intentional.
  5. No one represents surrender better than Jesus.
  6. If Jesus’s life was shaped by surrender and He lives in me, then my life needs to be shaped by surrender as well.
  7. The owner determines the direction of his investments.
  8. Our owner has made it clear how He wants his resources invested.
  9. Jesus does not just tell us what to do, He shows us how to do it.
  10. If we are not going after the lost, we do not look like Jesus.
  11. We have to meet disciples before we make disciples.
  12. His seeking was intentional. In Jesus’s life, there was no accidental meetings or encounters.
  13. We must go to the places where people are and be present when we get there.
  14. Jesus was intentional and relational.
  15. By engaging relationally, Jesus earned the right to speak into their lives.
  16. You can’t love your wife like Christ loved the church without knowing Christ.
  17. Examine your schedule. What do you have time for in your schedule to intentionally engage others?  What in your schedule can be recreated or redeemed?
  18. We don’t have a lack of souls. We have a lack of seeking.
  19. This is where so many people get stuck.
  20. Discipleship is inviting people into a deeper level of learning.  Increased access brings increased education.  But increased education brings increased accountability.
  21. Some people are hesitant to start because they feel ill-equipped to share.
  22. Disciple-making is not about what you bring to the table.
  23. Know-it-alls are terrible disciple-makers. They just produce more know-it-alls.  There should always be an awareness of our weakness when investing in others.
  24. I’m not educated but I’ve got the Spirit of God inside of me and the Word of God in front of me… I’m available.
  25. The pattern of Jesus is to take fishermen and make them fishers of men.
  26. I would rather do something important wrong than do nothing at all. God’s grace will be sufficient.
  27. What a high-calling to shepherd the flock of God.
  28. Jesus shepherd His disciples by loving them. There is no substitute for loving the people of God.
  29. Jesus shepherd His disciples by guarding them.
  30. Jesus shepherd His disciples by guiding them.
  31. Jesus shepherd His disciples by caring for them. A hired hand doesn’t care for the sheep.
  32. Jesus shepherd His disciples by correcting them.
  33. Jesus shepherd His disciples by protecting them.
  34. Jesus shepherd His disciples by praying for them.
  35. Jesus shepherd His disciples by serving them.
  36. Jesus shepherd His disciples by sacrificing for them.
  37. The power of personal discipleship has never been about quantity. It’s been about quality.  Quality will bring quantity.
  38. We are a sent people called to send people.
  39. Begin your discipleship group with the send in mind.
  40. Support Them Along The Way.
  41. Are you praying for the people you’ve released?

It has been an incredible morning!  Next up is Clay Scroggins.

Once again, if you have not downloaded the DONE-FOR-YOU PASTOR APPRECIATION SCRIPT, simply click HERE or on the image provided.  #FORPastors

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.