4 Lies All Leaders Tend To Believe

As part of my personal growth plan and an investment in my own leadership, I attend as many of Mike Linch’s monthly Lunch With A Leader events as possible.  If you are not familiar with Lunch With A Leader, this is a brilliant concept all pastors should explore implementing.

Every month, over 100 government, educational, athletic, non-profit, local business, and first-responder leaders meet at NorthStar Church in Kennesaw, GA to learn spiritual leadership principles.  Today was the January event and none of us in attendance left disappointed.  Mike taught on the 4 Lies All Leaders Tend To Believe.

Before getting to this month’s content, allow me to introduce you to Mike.  He is the incomparable senior pastor of NorthStar Church and has the greatest people skills of any pastor, make that person, I have met.  For more on Mike, click 26 Reasons Why Mike Linch of NorthStar Church is One of the Greatest Pastors in America.

I also recommend you check out Mike’s podcast Linch With A Leader by clicking HERE.  I’ve had the privilege of being one of his guests and it is an incredible resource.  Dr. Ken Blanchard is this month’s guest.

Now as promised, the following are the notes from his incredible session.  The four lies are in bold print.

  1. Spiritual leadership is what I lead for.  It’s the “why” behind the “what.”..  You lead for a different end than the average person.
  2. If you want to lead spiritually, it can get lonely.  Not everyone gets that way.
  3. At times, we all have burning bush experiences.
  4. We have our beliefs and they are very easy to hold onto until we have a crisis of belief.  A crisis of belief is when we are challenged with what we believe.  It’s easy to say.  It’s hard to live.
  5. The minute Moses thought his day of deliverance was over was the day God was able to use him.
  6. I am a nobody. (Lie #1)
  7. God put you where He put you for a reason bigger than you.
  8. You know God is about to use you when you feel like a nobody.
  9. You will never know who God created you to be when you think you’re a somebody.
  10. God does not leave you alone in this journey.  He is there to guide you.
  11. God loves to use ordinary people like you and me, faults and all, to do extraordinary things.
  12. “Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.” – David Bednair
  13. God knew Moses was ready because behind the scenes he was ready.
  14. I don’t know enough. (Lie #2)
  15. God told Moses, “You may not know enough but I know everything.  Lean on my wisdom and power to do what I’ve called you to do.”
  16. Life outside is independent.  Spiritual life is dependent.  He wants to put you in situations where you have to depend on Him.
  17. I might fail. (Lie #3)
  18. The fear of failure is a real deal… The fear of failure will paralyze you.
  19. It’s easier to live off radar than to get on radar and risk failing again.
  20. The older you get the more you know how hard it is when you fail.
  21. When you fail you start to second-guess yourself on everything. – Coach Lewis Preston who is a friend of mine I was sitting with.
  22. The higher up you climb the more noticeable your failure is.
  23. If Moses failed to convince Pharaoh to let Israel leave, God gave Moses three signs to do before Pharaoh.  These signs would prove that God’s power was with Moses.  In other words, God will empower us to do what He’s called us to do if we don’t give up.
  24. The key to failure is what you learn from it.  Every leader who attempts anything great will experience failure.
  25. Every bit of apathy has the fear of failure. – Dr. George Manners who was a guest interview.
  26. The fear of failure is the commonality of most failures. – Dr. Manners
  27. There is no indispensable man. – Dr. Manners
  28. It is not about you.  It’s about God. – Dr. Manners
  29. 65% of millennials are looking for development in the workplace. – Kevin Scott who was also a guest interview.
  30. Without fear I would be dead.  Fear is a very important component in thinking through what I want to do.  Fear, like pain, is value-adding.  But does it paralyze you?  That’s the question. – Dr. Manners
  31. “A setback isn’t your enemy.  It’s your teacher.” – Bob Goff
  32. Failure never destroys people.  Success destroys them.
  33. I have weaknesses. (Lie #4)
  34. You will never have all the answers.  You will never feel like you have it all.  Sometimes you just have to take a step.
  35. Failure is better than not doing anything.
  36. God values availability more than ability.
  37. “God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability, and if we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability.” – Neal A. Maxwell

What is one thing you learned from Mike’s lesson which will make you a better leader?

My book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders is available for purchase.  If you have ever wanted to become the leader God created you to be, this book is for you!  By combining leadership lessons from biblical heroes like Jesus, Daniel and Joseph, along with modern day leaders like Bill Gates, Nick Saban, Kobe Bryant and multiple pastors, Timeless will equip and inspire you.  This book is not to be read alone.  Discussion questions are included in each chapter allowing you to develop those in your circle of influence.  Click HERE or on the image provided and order your copies TODAY.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.