Live Blog – 14 Leadership Quotes From Dr. Henry Cloud and Nona Jones From The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference

I am excited to be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship to bring you the finest and valuable leadership insights from the ReThink Leadership Digital Conference.  This event features some of today’s brightest Christian minds talking about what is needed to effectively advance the church into the future.  If you missed April’s conference, click Complete Speakers And Content From 2020 Orange And ReThink Conferences Including Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof, And Others to get the information.

Also, if you are reading these posts, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

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This Special Offer Includes 22 instructional videos, book templates, PDFs and checklists (this is so important you don’t miss anything), and even audio MP3 files.  Click HERE or on the image provided to learn more and order.  I want to help you get your book published.

I also want to invest in you as a leader.  So let’s get to the leadership lessons.  The event’s next speakers were Dr. Henry Cloud and Nona Jones.  Dr. Cloud is the well-known psychologist and Nona is the Head of Faith-Based Partnerships for Facebook.

The following are 14 Leadership Quotes from their challenging and convicting sessions:

Dr. Henry Cloud

  1. When you say leaders are control freaks, that’s exactly right… God made you that way.
  2. God is omnipotent. He has control of the whole thing.  We are created in His image.  We are potent without the omni.
  3. You were designed to be in control of yourself. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit… Not in control of everything but just one thing – yourself.
  4. In a pandemic, things outside of your control affect your ability to do what you do.
  5. You will begin to interpret the crisis Personally, Pervasive, and Permeate.
  6. What can I do? What am I able to do during this time?
  7. We have many people who are running away from the church who should be running to the church.

Nona Jones – Head of Faith-Based Partnerships at Facebook

  1. History will always be taught by the victor.
  2. Let’s not let this conversation (about race) be pulled into the political twilight zone.
  3. This is an issue of humanity, of God’s image bearers.
  4. It’s about justice and letting everyone know God loves you and we love you too.
  5. Once we got on the same church as a body we will dismantle racism in this country. This was is in the spiritual realm.
  6. We are all entitled to our own opinion but not our own set of facts.
  7. Pride says, “I don’t understand so your wrong.” Humility says, “I don’t understand so will you help me?”

It has been an incredible morning.  Keep checking back later this afternoon for more lessons from an incredible line-up of speakers.  Next up is my dear friend Dan Reiland!

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.