Live Blog – 19 Leadership Quotes From Gordon MacDonald On Pastors/Priests vs Preachers From The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference

I am excited to be dispatched by INJOY Stewardship to bring you the finest and valuable leadership insights from the ReThink Leadership Digital Conference.  This event features some of today’s brightest Christian minds talking about what is needed to effectively advance the church into the future.  If you missed April’s conference, click Complete Speakers And Content From 2020 Orange And ReThink Conferences Including Andy Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof, And Others to get the information.

Also, if you are reading these posts, you have a deep interest in being a better leader.  God has also probably put a book in your heart.  If so, let me help you.  This is the system I used for my book Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices Of Apex Leaders and it will work for you.

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I also want to invest in you as a leader.  So let’s get to the leadership lessons.  The event’s next speaker was the legendary Gordon MacDonald.

The following are 19 Leadership Quotes From Gordon MacDonald On Pastors/Priests vs Preachers From The ReThink Leadership Digital Conference:

  1. Put the most significant people in your life (your wife, family, and mentors) on your calendar first.
  2. What comes first – the family or the Lord’s work? Your family is the Lord’s work.
  3. Be more of a priest and less of a preacher to the church. Bless them with the powers of grace, courage, hope and love.
  4. A preacher gets on a stage and tells you everything they know. A preacher is telling you his plan for your life.
  5. I can’t stand the notion a preacher finishes a message and disappears immediately to the green room. If you can’t defend your words in the presence of people you don’t need to preach it.
  6. A preacher is a one-way conversation. A priest is a two-way conversation.
  7. A priest is person-centered.
  8. A priest draws people to Jesus.
  9. A priest sensitizes him or herself to the needs of what he is projecting.
  10. A priest gives people hope.
  11. A priest gives people a sense of renewal and a way to Jesus.
  12. A priest has got the person in mind.
  13. A preacher has got in mind how good can my sermon be?
  14. I’d like to be a priest more than a preacher.
  15. A priest blesses people.
  16. If you want to be a priest to people you have to have a priestly calendar… Do I have time to stop and talk to people?
  17. We’re going to have to be content to have smaller churches. You can’t tell me the majority of people going to Mega churches feel heard.
  18. We’ve turned worship into too much of an entertainment format in the last 25 years.
  19. I’ve been converted over and over again at the foot of the cross.

What an incredible way to start the. day!!!  Keep checking back later this afternoon for more lessons from an incredible line-up of speakers.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.