Key Leadership Questions for a New Season of Ministry (Includes New FREE Ebook For Pastors and Church Leaders)

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, we’re asking new questions about what is required of leaders in this next season of ministry.

Last week I had the privilege of investing in pastors and church with my friends Evan McBroom and Marian Liautaud of Aspen Group.  Our time together was to help promote their latest FREE downloadable resource Key Leadership Questions For A New Season Of Ministry.  Get your copy by clicking HERE.  It was an incredible time and I’m so glad they are making both the Ebook and video available to you.

Relaunching your church within our COVID-19 reality will require vision and an ability to navigate long-term, strategic change while implementing short-term solutions for gathering together as a church.

In this resource, the team at Aspen created an expanded series of leadership questions for senior pastors and key ministry leaders. You and your team will:

  • Navigate through the Alignment of 4 Key Pillars of Success – Culture, Leadership, Ministry and Facilities. 
  • Learn how to operate as a church with peak efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Think through the leadership traits, strengths and skills you need to protect your health and well-being as you navigate an ongoing season of crisis and change.
  • Prepare yourself how to serve your community in new ways because of COVID-19.
  • Consider which areas of your church may require new leadership and staffing as a result of new opportunities that have surfaced during our world’s crises.
  • Evaluate whether your church facilities are suited to fostering a healthy environment for leaders.
  • And more!

In closing, I want to point you to the 54:51 mark of the conversation.  This is where I explain why I think so highly of this church design/build group and recommend their services.  I said, “I’ve always valued organizations that valued pastors and the church and don’t see the church as a market… That’s why I recommend Aspen.  The church will always be better for meeting with you and you don’t see them as a market to be fleeced.  You see them as an organization that’s transformational and to be served.  You value transformation more than transaction.”

Once again, you can get your resource by clicking HERE or on the images provided.


Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.