The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of September 7th

Before getting to this week’s Top 10 list, I want to introduce you to Jeff Wright.  As a captain in the U.S. Army Rangers, he was a platoon leader with storied 82nd Airborne Division.  Jeff is also an entrepreneur, husband, special needs parent, and an elder at Piedmont Church in Marietta, GA.  I do not think anyone else in America has that resume.  He is one of the finest leaders I have ever met.

I recently joined Jeff as co-host of the Pursuit Of Service Podcast.  After a couple of “warm up” episodes I feel we are really hitting our stride with this week’s Comfortable Being Uncomfortable conversation.  Our podcast basically allows the listeners to “be a fly on the wall” during our breakfast or lunch leadership conversations.  Make sure you click Here, the podcast tab at the top of the page, or on the image provided to subscribe.  Each episode moving forward will include lessons from Jeff’s experiences and service to our country, leadership observations from me, and a “What Are You Learning” segment.  We can wait to invest in your leadership!!!

The following are this past week’s posts from this site.  I hope you enjoy them the second time around.

Now as promised, the following are The Top 10 Leadership Posts I Read The Week Of September 7th:

  1. 7 Reasons Your Church Should Merge With Another Church In 2020 by Rich Birch
  2. 3 Indicators You Need To Recharge Your Leadership Battery by Scott Cochrane
  3. Thoughts From One Depressed Pastor To Many, Many Others by Brandon A. Cox
  4. How Can I Help Unbelieving Friends And Family? by Rusty George.  If you haven’t done so already, you can pre-order After Amen: What to Do While You’re Waiting on God by clicking HERE.  I am one of the book’s endorsers.  Trust me.  There are few resources as valuable during these challenging times.  In fact, get several copies and hand them out to your friends.  They will thank you for all of eternity.
  5. The Surprising Thing About World Changers by Greg Laurie
  6. 10 Evidences That Churches Are COVID-19 Weary by Chuck Lawless
  7. If You Are A Leader, You Need A Coach by Tony Morgan via
  8. Why You Should Never Hesitate To Ask For Help by Brett Powell
  9. 5 Thoughts From Moderating A Conversation On Race by Joshua Reich
  10. 7 Greatest Preaching Mistakes by Josh Taylor via This organization provides 500+ quality sermon series, sermon graphic and illustration bundles, bumper videos, and youth and children’s media content.  Pastors, you don’t need extra stress.  Click HERE to learn more about all they provide.  Trust me, you will love their resources and they even offer a free trial.

That is my Top 10 for the week.  What other great posts did you read?

Speaking of great leadership reads, during the 2019 college football season, fans were given a gift when legendary coach Urban Meyer joined Fox’s Big Noon Kickoff preview show as a studio analyst.  As a three-time national championship head coach, Coach Meyer’s ability to deliver complex leadership principles with brevity and concise terminology created a compelling experience for educated and “smart” fans.  Throughout the season, I captured Coach Meyer’s best leadership quotes from this weekly show.  I wanted to make them available to you in this new complimentary resource Urban Meyer 2019 Fox Sports Big Noon Kickoff Ebook.  

The contents includes Winning Cultures, 3 Types of Teams, Strategy and Competition, Recruiting, Rivalry Games, Personal Performance, and much, much more.  Click HERE to get your complimentary copy today!  Trust me – this resource will make you a better leader.

Brian Dodd

Brian Dodd is the author and content coordinator for Brian Dodd On Leadership. In addition to overseeing this site's content, Brian is Director of New Ministry Partnerships for INJOY Stewardship Solutions where he helps churches develop cultures of generosity. Brian has also authored the critically-acclaimed book The 10 Indispensable Practices Of The 2-Minute Leader.